He Keeps Me Strong

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I sat in the passenger seat of my car while Ashton drove. We both have cars, we just usually take mine because it has the car seat in it. “Whenever I drive your car, I feel so girly.” Ashton stated and chuckled a bit. Ashton was always the one to break the silence. I just giggled and turned up the radio.

“Sissy!” Conner called from the back, trying to get my attention over the music. Ashton quickly turned the music down and I turned around to face Conner. “What’s up buddy?” I responded. “Can Mommy come?” That question knocked the wind out of me. Ashton’s eyes shot at me. I don’t think I have even seen our mother for a week. I was trying to hold back my tears, thinking of an excuse to tell Conner. I hate lying to my baby brother but he too young to understand. “Mommy’s busy baby.” My voice cracked in the middle of my sentence. Ashton picked up my hand and enlaced our fingers. He was soothingly rubbing his thumb on my hand, keeping them enlaced. “Mommy’s always busy.” He said a slouched in his seat. A tear escaped my eyes as we came to a red light and Ashton quickly wiped it, not wanting Conner to see me cry. “Your mom might not always be around but your sissy will always be here for you, and so will I.” Ashton told Conner. Conner looked up at him and slightly smiled. Ashton held out his free hand to do their ‘secret’ little handshake the two of them came up with. Conner smiled brightly and did their little handshake. Ashton turned around and looked at me. ‘Thank you.’ I mouthed to him. He kissed my cheek and continued to drive. Ashton truly keeps me strong.

We arrived at Chuck E. Cheese and Conner quickly unbuckled and started to run towards the entrance. “Conner!” I yelled, nut he ignored me, running into the door. Ashton chuckled. “Go get him, I’ve got Hayden.” He said grabbing Hayden’s diaper bag. I kissed his cheek and speed walked inside. I searched for Conner and he was impatiently waiting in line. I ran up and grabbed onto his little hand. “Conner don’t do that!” I giggled. Ashton and Hayden joined us soon after. I reached over to take Hayden from Ashton and he handed me him. Ashton picked up Conner and began to have a conversation about Conner’s favorite show which happened to be Spongebob. It made me happy that Conner got along with my best friend. It also made me happy that Ashton was so good with my little brothers and our situation. He truly was the best friend I could ever ask for. We made it to the front pretty quickly, it isn’t that crowded today. I took out money to pay but Ashton nearly trampled my little brother and I to make sure I didn’t pay. I didn’t bother arguing because there was no use, I know this from experience.

We took a table with two booths so we could all fit. “When’s the last time Hayden ate?” Ashton asked roaming around in the diaper bag pulling out a bottle and grabbing Hayden from me. “It’s about eating time for him.” I answered. “I can do it Ash.” I felt bad, he always does so much for me, I don’t want him to feel like he has to do all this when he doesn’t. He cradled Hayden carefully and began feed him. “I like doing it.” He smiled. “Are you sure?” I said unsure. “Brooklyn, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care about all of you. This is the stuff that makes me happy.” He smiled looking down at Hayden and brushed the little hair Hayden had back off of his forehead. My stomach fluttered at that little action. He looked up and smiled at me and I returned the smile gratefully.

We finished eating and the two of us walked around with Conner. Conner wanted to go in the big sky tubes with Ashton so Ashton tried to squeezing into them for Conner. After a few minutes Ashton came out and stood with me. “Have fun?” I questioned laughing. “Tons.” He smiled. “Thank you for helping me in the car.” I said with a more serious tone. Ashton didn’t say anything, he just pulled me into a hug, be cautious of Hayden being in my arms. We looked up to find the source of a thumping noise. Conner was hitting on a little window trying to get our attention so we could see him. Ashton and I waved smiling at him and Ashton picked up Hayden’s little hand and waved it towards him. Conner got the biggest grin I have seen him have in a long time, and came down so he could play some games. I held Hayden while Ashton and Conner played a basketball game. Ashton was clearly letting Conner win but Conner didn’t know that. The two of them racked up too many tickets to count. Conner got all of his prizes and we got out of there.

When we got home Ashton was carrying Hayden and Conner, they both fell asleep in the car. I opened the door and walked in to see my mom standing at the door, waiting for us. “Where have you been? And who is this?” She questioned. “I’m Ashton. It’s nice to finally meet you.” My mother was being her usual rude self and just looked at him. I could tell Ashton felt awkward. “I’m going to put them to bed.” Ashton told me and carried Conner and Hayden up the stairs. It’s time to face my mom. I need to stand up to her, it’s now or never.

**Brooklyn's Mother in the picture!!**

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