My Growing Family

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*Brooklyn’s P.O.V.*

I woke up to feel Ashton’s strong arms wrapped around my waist, protectively holding me close. I carefully turned around to face Ashton, trying not to wake him. When I accomplished it, I studied his face. I looked at his hair that is now starting to curl. He straightens his hair, but I don’t know why. I love his curly hair. I pushed his hair back and off of his forehead, in attempt to see his face better. I smiled at his perfection. I poked his cheek until he woke up.

“Good morning cutie.” I smiled at him. “Good morning beautiful.” I snuggled into his chest. “Can I tell you something?” Ashton asked. I looked up and met his eyes. “Of course. What is it?” I scrunched my eyebrows together. “You were my first kiss too.” He said breaking eye contact and blushing down at the sheets of the bed. I got the biggest grin on my face that I possibly could. “Ash, look at me.” He looked up “I love that I was you first kiss.” I smiled and leaned over and kissed him. Every time I kissed Ashton I got another butterfly in my stomach to add to my collection. “And your second and third.” I leaned over and kissed him again. “And your forth.” I leaned over and kissed him again. “And your fifth.” We both chuckled a bit and laid in bed cuddling until Conner ran in and jumped on the bed.

“I have to take the boys to school.” I said into Ashton chest. “I’ll take them babe.” My heart fluttered when he called me babe. “I can do it.” I argued, but Ashton was already starting to get dressed. “Can you get Conner ready for school? I’ll get Hayden.” Ashton asked. I went and got Conner ready and soon the boys were off to school.

I used this time I had to shower. Thank goodness Ashton and I didn’t have school today. As I took off my shirt I looked down at my scar that started at my belly button and went down. Every time I look at my scar I think of him. I cringed at that thought. I began to rub my belly in small circles and whispered I love you to it. I know my baby is no longer in there. I began to sob at the thought of that. I cry way too much I thought to myself. I wiped my tears and got into the shower. I got out of the shower and Ashton arrived shortly after, getting ready himself.

Ashton and I were going Christmas shopping and then he had band practice. This will be he first time I actually meet his band and to be honest I’m quite nerves. I put on one of the outfits I brought from my house. I decided on a white flowy dress that went just above my knees and white heels. I want to dress nice to make a nice impression on the boys. “We’re making a stop somewhere special before we go shopping okay?” Ashton said. “May I ask where we’re going?” I asked. “I already told you, we’re going somewhere special.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. I quickly got ready, as my curiosity peaks. I really want to know where we’re going. Soon enough we were in the car and on our way to the mystery place.

I stared out the window, watching the trees go by listening to nothing but the sound of the wind on the outside of the car. I felt a large hand wrap around my small one. I smiled and kissed Ashton’s cheek, he didn’t take his eyes off the road once. He was a very cautious driver and I loved that. We soon pulled up to the abandoned building that Ashton and I always go to, we kind of made it our own. He took me all the way up to the top floor and flicked a switch. A ton of Christmas lights turned on. It was so beautiful. “You did this for me?” I asked, surprised anyone would go through this much for me. “Yup, well the boys helped a little.” He smiled, probably feeling accomplished, which he should. “Ashton, this is amazing.” I pulled him into a hug and squeezed him tight. I never wanted to let him go but the hug eventually ended. “Brooklyn?” I looked Ashton in the eyes and he intertwined our fingers. “Will you be my girlfriend?” I smiled and nodded my head. “Yes Ashton, I’ll be your girlfriend.” He pulled me in for a deep kiss. “Babe, we have got to go if we’re going to get any shopping done.” Ashton broke the kiss. “I guess you’re right.” I agreed.

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