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My heart stopped. The whole room around me began to blur. I can't believe this is happening. My head began pounding and my body began to shake. I faintly heard someone calling my name. “Brooklyn..” There it was again. It sounded like Luke. The shaking of my body became more violent and rapid. It felt like someone was controlling my body, and I no longer could. “Brooklyn!” Luke’s voice was now getting much louder. I studied the room around me intently, not missing a single detail. I looked over at Ashton to see that he was gone. I did nothing but close my eyes at that point. As soon as I shut my eyes, they shot right back open. I was breathing heavily and sweating. I looked around and took in my surroundings. Luke was sitting on top of me with his hands on my shoulders. “Brooklyn, it’s okay.” He sweetly spoke wiping the sweat from my forehead with a cool rag. “You were having a nightmare.” He said. ‘Obviously’ I thought but was too shocked to allow my mouth open so that I could speak. “You have a really high fever too.” He said climbing off of me. “Where’s Ashton?” I finally gathered the words to form a sentence. “He went to go get food for Hayden.” Just as he finished speaking, I heard the front door open. I jumped up and bolted down stairs. I was running so fast that I almost slipped and fell down the last couple of stairs, but I quickly caught my balance and continued to run. Just as Ashton came into my view he was setting down the grocery bags. He turned and saw my just as I leaped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and squeezed him tightly. He quickly caught me and wrapped his arms around my back. I took in his scent and squeezed him tighter. ‘It was all just a dream.’ I keep telling myself, not being able to believe it. This feels like a dream. Right here, right now, in Ashton’s arms. This is my dream. I pulled back so that I could see his face. He flashed his dimples at me with a bright smile. “Hey babe. What’s with the excited greeting?” He questioned holding onto that smile of his. I looked him in the eyes. “Ashton, I love you.” I said with a goofy smile. “I love you sweetheart.” He kissed me and then set me down. “Are you okay baby?” He asked taking the groceries in one hand and my hand in the other. “Yeah I’m fine now. I just had a really bad, and really lifelike dream.” He set the groceries on the counter as he released my hand from his grip so that he could run his fingers through his hair. He looked at me curiously. “Would you like to talk about it?” I shook my head. “Maybe later. Where are the boys? Hayden and Conner?” I clarified knowing there are a lot of boys in this house now. “I think Calum and Michael are up stairs playing hide and seek with them. That’s where they were when I left.” I nodded my head and kissed him once more before heading upstairs. I nearly got knocked over by the impact of Calum running with Conner beside him. Michael was a few feet behind them, running a lot more cautiously with Hayden in his hands. I smiled at the act and walked into my room where Luke was still sitting on my bed, a bit in shock. “What was that?” He asked with a funny expression on his face. I smiled a bit trying to hold back a laugh. “I just wanted to see Ashton is all.” I smiled at him as I rummaged through my closet, not knowing what to wear today. I took a glance at my calendar and brushed off the date at first and resumed to rummaging through my closet. I quickly snapped my head back to the calendar and cursed. “Shit!” Luke gave me a weird look, knowing I try not to curse often. “What?” Luke asked. “Shit, shit, shit.” I was throwing cuss words right out of my mouth as if the were nothing. “What!?” Luke half yelled. I quickly glanced at the clock seeing it was only nine o’clock am. I relaxed a bit letting out a long breath I didn’t know I was holding in. “I have an interview for a part-time internship today at noon. If I get this job, I can quit the lousy one I have now. Help me pick out what to wear.” I ramble on and on. “How about this?” I asked holding up a loose light blue dress that went down to about my knees and had small white polka dots scattered around it. Luke looks at the dress. “It looks nice.” He smiles. “Let me keep looking." I pull out a purple and white stripped loose dress with a neck line that showed just a bit of my chest. I held it up so Luke could get a good look. “What about this one?” He looks it up and down and shrugs. “It looks nice.” He smiles again. I raised an eyebrow at him. “Alright.” Next I pulled out a tight red dress that goes to about mid thigh and has one hole on each side of the torso, showing a bit of skin. I hold it up to Luke. “I’m going to try this one on.” I say climbing into the walk-in closet. I throw the dress on and look in the mirror. I smile, pleased with my appearance, and walk out. “What about this one?” I ask. Luke looks up at me and smiles once again. “It’s nice.” I raise both my eyebrows and smile. “Thanks for your opinion Luke, you’ve really helped me narrow down my options.” I say with sarcasm thick in my tone. He laughs and gets off the bed. I walk into the bathroom and quickly curl my hair and do my make up. Once I am finished, I throw on some black strapped heels. I take one last look in the mirror before heading down stairs. I walk into the kitchen as Ashton takes a sip of his water. Once Ashton’s attention is focused on me he spits his water back into his cup and sets it down. At that point everyone else turns around. “No.” Ashton says. “No?” I questioned. “No, no. Nooo. Nope. Nah uh. Not happening.” He says holding up a kitchen towel to cover my exposed skin. “Ugh. Ashton,” I start to protest but he cuts me off. “Nope, there is no way you are going to be eye candy for any other guy but me.” He says gently pushing me out of the kitchen and up stairs, into our bedroom. He rummaged in the closet and pulled out the blue polka dot dress that I had pulled out the first time. “Here this looks lovely on you, and its appropriate.” He smiled and laid it out on the bed. I smiled because of how protective he was over me. “Alright babe.” I gave in and changed my dress and switched my black shoes out for white pumps. “See, you look beautiful.” He smiled feeling more comfortable with my outfit change. I kissed him on the nose. “Alright babe, well I’ve got to go now or I’ll be late. I love you.” He stood up, even when I’m in pumps Ashton still towers over me. “I love you baby girl. Be safe okay? And good luck.” He said while walking me down the stairs. “I’ll try, and thanks.” I smiled and gave him a quick kiss before opening the door and driving away.

**Hey guys!! I'm sorry, I know I havent updated in forever I've had a lot going on. Luke's in the picture this time. :) Please follow, comment, and vote. :) I would really like to here what you guys think or answer any questions you might have so please don't hesitate to comment!! :) I love you all!! Love Brooklyn <3 :)**

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