The Boy Who Doesn't Remember Me

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**Keanna in the picture**

All the doctors in the room ran to Ashton's side, shouting things that I just drowned out. 'Ashton is alive.' I repeated over and over in my head, trying to believe the scene before me. "Please lay down. You and your friend both just need to relax right now. You have to give him some space if you want him better." The nurse spoke to me. I wanted to do anything to help Ashton so I stepped back and laid down on the uncomfortable bed. I didn't realize how much pain I was in until I began to move on my own. Before, I was too concerned about Ashton to care about the pain, but now it's just too intense. "Ouch." I winced in pain as I tried to lay back. I looked to the left of me to check on Ashton, ignoring the pain once again, but the bed next to me was gone. I began to panic. "Where is he!?" I yelled at the nurse. I could tell she was truly concerned for both Ashton and I. "Sweetie, please lay down." My tears haven't stopped since we got to the hospital. "Where is he!?" I screamed again. "Everything's okay, they just wheeled the bed over to another room. You're friend-" I cut her off. "Ashton." She then corrected herself. "Ashton, is very sensitive at the moment. We can't have him around anyone that could raise his stress levels. We can't have him worrying about you right now, and if he even looked at you right now he would probably have a heart attack." She knew Ashton so well, yet never spoke a word to him. I looked down at my appearance to see a huge amount of blood covering me, and that's when I felt the pain again. I looked down at my left leg to see it completely bent out of place. The same went for my right arm. The pain was near to unbearable. The nurse slowly approached me as if she would hurt me by standing more than two feet close to me. She squirted a clear substance into my IV. She cleared her throat and parted her lips to speak. "I'm Bella, I'm your nurse." She spoke in a soft, sweet tone. "I'm Brooklyn." I introduced myself shortly, trying to conserve the little energy I had. "Sorry this is the way I had to meet you, Brooklyn." She chuckled trying to make a joke that I didn't find humorous at the moment. She soon caught on to my irritation and stopped laughing. "Do you have a phone that we could possibly call you mother off of?" Bella asked. My heart rate picked up quickly, and if you don't believe me Bella can vouch for me because my heart monitor started going crazy. "Sweetie, we need to call your mother." She said with sympathy. "You can't call my mother. Please don't. She cant find me. It will make things worst. She'll take Ashton away from me." I nearly sobbed for the hundredth time in the past hour. The nurse, Bella, could tell this was a serious matter. She tried to rub my back to sooth me, but it only caused me to wince in pain. I could see by the look in her eyes that she felt awful for causing me pain, even if it was an accident. "Okay, we won't call you mother right now but we'll have to eventually." My heart rate began to slow down a bit. "Thank you." I said so grateful. She half smiled at me. "Can I call someone?" I asked needing to see if everyone else is okay. "Do you need a phone?" Bella asked me. I began to shake my head and reach to my back pocket for my phone. I panicked when I felt my phone was no longer in my back pocket. A sigh of relief washed over me when I felt the other pocket to find my phone. I quickly unlocked it and called the first person the popped into my head. The phone rang twice before they answered. "Hello?" The voice that filled my ears soothed me a bit. "Calum?" I cried. "Whoa, what's wrong?" I heard him jump out of the bed he was in. I felt bad knowing I woke him up. "Calum, Ashton.. Me.. We crashed.. Hospital.. He's hurt so bad." I began bawling over the phone. I know it probably didn't make any sense to Calum because it hardly made any sense to me. "You guys are at the hospital!?" He was so worried, I felt awful for disrupting his slumber. "Yeah." I cried. "Wake up!" I heard Calum's voice echoing throughout the house he was in. "Guys get up!" He yelled almost sounding angry. "We'll be there in like ten minutes." He said rushing on the other side of the phone. "Thank you." I smiled, so happy that I was going to see them all though I just saw them no more than two hours ago. "Hang in there." Calum spoke and then hung up. Ten minutes later, just as Calum promised he busted through the door and ran to my side. A few seconds later Conner ran in the room. Calum helped me sit up and instantly Conner wrapped his little arms around my leg. I bit my lip so that I wouldn't wince. I didn't want Conner to think he was hurting me. Calum caught on to my tactic and covered for me. "Hey Conner lets give her a little space so she can get better quicker, okay?" Calum gave me a sympathetic smile as I gave him a grateful one. Minutes later everyone else walked in. "What happened!?" Luke said instantly. Everyone looked at me as if they were afraid to know the story. Calum sat on one side of me and Luke took a seat on the other side of me. Luke lifted up Conner and sat him on his lap. Conner looked up at me with his big blue eyes filled with sorrow. "Where's Ashton?" Conner asked sucking on his bottom lip, something he did when he was worried. My eyes tried looking anywhere else only for me to notice that everyone's eyes were on me, wondering the same question as Conner was. "He's in a different room." I said holding back tears. I leaned over to Calum and whispered in his ear. "He was a lot worst than me. Can you please go see if you can check on him." Calum looked at me worried, then nodded his head. As Calum was leaving, Bella walked in. "Here, let me get this IV out of your arm. You got so lucky, you just have a small concussion, one broken leg, and one broken arm." Shianne looked at her as if Bella was mad. "Yeah real lucky." She said, her tone thick with sarcasm. Bella gave me a sympathetic smile. "Well by that crash, she should be a lot worst so this is really lucky." I didn't care about me anymore. "Can I go see Ashton now?" Bella shot me a worried look. "Yeah, let me get you a wheel chair." Happiness spread all throughout my body. I leaned over to whisper in Luke's ear. "Can you keep Conner in here while I visit Ashton? I don't want Conner to see him like that." Luke nodded and held CoCo tighter. Moments later, Bella arrived with my wheel chair. "But I do want you to know something before you go in there." Bella spoke. "What room is he in?" I asked, ignoring her question out of excitement. "Across the hall, to the left." She answered. I wheeled myself as fast as I could to his door. Bella chased after me. "Wait! Brooklyn! I need to tell you something." As I approached the door, Calum walked out. "Hey." I smiled going more towards the door. Calum parted his lips to speak. "Wait, Brooklyn, don't go in there." Calum pleaded, sounding desperate. I ignored him and let myself in. I needed to see him. I rolled in and there Ashton was. He looked awful but he was alive, and awake. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked him as I rolled up to his bedside. "Um, I'm doing alright I guess." He gave me a weird look. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, begging to know why he's being strange. Just then, Calum walked in. "Brooklyn I said-" Calum began to speak but Ashton cut him off. "Oh this is Brooklyn." Ashton said looking at me up and down. I got closer to him. "What do you mean this is Brooklyn?" I looked over at Calum. "What does he mean this is Brooklyn?" I began to panic. Calum exhaled deeply, looked me in the eyes and spoke. "Ashton doesn't remember anything from the past year."

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