The Overnight Pt. 2

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-EXO's P.O.V


(Suho side)

All were eating then, a red-haired girl showed up.

She was blushing red and, we(EXO) don't know what to do. She called Chae-noona and she followed

-Chae P.O.V

Karin, u so weird...

"Chaelin, who are they?"-Karin whispered to me

"My......... Friends?"-I whispered back

"They're so cute......"-Karin

Out of the ordinary, I started to twist my head and look at them, yeah, they were cute.

"Are you even listening to me?!"-She twisted my head and shouted

"Don't you know that I'm their favorite onee-san and they'll do anything just to kill the person who hurt me"-I whispered

I saw Luhan-oppa stand-up

"Luhan-oppa, just sit there"-I smiled at him

"I need to get their phone number, their things, I just want them to be-"-Karin


I heard her murmur 'I lost hope'.

I returned back to my seat.

-EXO's P.O.V


(Lay side)

Definitely curious about what the girl and Rilakkuma-noona talked about, I decided to break the silence.

"Noona, what did you talk about with that girl?"-Me

"Um....... some things about you guys"-She said straightforwardly

"What about us?"-Luhan-hyung


"She........ has........ uh....... a crush......... more like a sasaeng......."-She said eating the kimchi

"Then, she was asking me your numbers, your things........ I can already tell she's a sasaeng"-She smirked

"Chen, spell ambulance"

"A............. M............ B"


"Wew wew wew wew wew!"

Minji nearly splatted her water, Rilakkuma-noona choked at her kimchi, Bom-noona and Dara-noona was laughing redness, while all EXO was laughing.

"Ch-chen!"-Rilakkuma-noona laughed

"Well, Lay-hyung said faster, so I made it faster!"-Chen jokingly protested

"Ah, wait is it recorded?"

"Yeah"- Tao-hyung

"Aigoo, we're thankful for Tao for recording it. Because if we repeat the joke again, it would be a fake laugh"- Rilakkuma-noona

"Ah, I wanna eat Bacon-oppa tomorrow"

Then, we were laughing.

"It's Baekhyun, not Bacon!"

"Just to tell that Bac-........ Baekhyun-oppa is cute with fake glasses"- Minji commented

Baekhyun frowned.

"I only look cute when I'm in glasses"

(Tao side)

Somehow, Chae-noona looks cute whether she ties up her hair or not. She only needs few makeup tools like eyeliner. Simple is okay for her.

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