Chapter 9: Memories and broken hearts

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"Where were you last night? I called you for like four times and you didn't answer one of them!" Emma shouted over the phone.

Elena forgot to tell Emma about her night out with Stefan so she already expected her to freak out like this.

"Calm down, Emma. There's something I forgot to tell you"

"Oh no, you like Damon don't you. He probably has asked you out and you said yes, are you guys official and why the hell didn't you tell me right away??"

Elena's mouth fell open. It took her a second or two until she realised what Emma actually just said. After a while of well-kept silence Elena started laughing slightly. 

She then said: "Damon? Are you kidding me? I barely know him! How do you expect me to go out with him this soon! I mean come onnn Emma!"

"So you wouldn't go out with him just yet?" And she said it with an emphasis on 'yet'.

"I don't think that whatever you're assuming is ever going to happen. I know nothing about him and neither does he about me. The several times we met were only by coincidence, so don't make a hella big deal out of it." 

"Alright, alright. If you say so."Emma said while smirking imperceptible.

"So... you weren't with Damon? You weren't with me?  Then who were you with?"

" I was out with a very friendly classmate. "

"I see. A classmate"

"He was new, not only in school but in Storybrooke so he asked me to show a little bit of Storybrooke by him taking me out yesterday and I accepted because I was bored."

"What's his name?" Emma asked with one eyebrow raised. 


"And last name?"

"What are you? Do you work with the police or something?" Elena said laughing at the way Emma acts.

"No, I just see the way you're talking about him and I want you to be careful. I don't want you to experience stuff I went with."

Emma has told Elena everything about her previous boyfriend and how he betrayed her.

It was twelve years ago, Emma fell in love with a boy who seemed to be interested in her. He also seemed to do everyting just to please Emma. Emma enjoyed that a lot and by spending more time together, she fell in love with him. After a couple of months, Emma felt his absence more that his presence and everytime she wanted to see him he came up with silly excuses.  After a while he came up to her saying that they don't belong together and that she's better off with someone else, someone who does have more time for her than he has. 

"I really love you, Emma. I just think you're better off with someone else; someone who gets to spend more time with you. Just know that I still really love you and always will."

That destroyed Emma, she hasn't have a boyfriend ever since then. She did go on dates but she only did that because she didn't wanna reject people who asked her out directly. 

"I get that, don't worry, Emma."

"Alright, I got to go. Speak to you later." 


"Babe, I'm so sorry I can't come to your birthday party." Tyler says with a hand behind his head.

Caroline doesn't really know how to react to this. She is questioning whether she should of should not break up with him. He is never there, always got stuff to do. She is not even sure if he is really sorry for not coming to her birthday party.

"Caroline, are you okay? I really wanted to come. U have to understand that it's not under my control. I just got a lot of stuff I have to take care of."

And that was the moment that broke Carloline's heart even more. She doesn't even know what stuff he handles, what he does, he tells her nothing about himself.


"Yes, babe."

"I don't think w-we belong to e-each other." As she said that, she felt tears falling down from her eyes.

"No, Caroline please don't do that."

"I'm sorry Tyler, I've made my decision. I would like you to leave right now and please don't you dare trying to talk to me ever again."

"No... Caroline please, just don't make any decisions right now. You're mad, I get that so please don't make none right now."

"Tyler, you don't get it, this is a decision I had to make months ago. I barely know you. We don't even spend time together that much, even with my birthday you came to me to say that you're busy and that you won't be able to come. If you truely loved me Tyler, you'd make some time free for me but till today I haven't seen you doing that and I don't expect you to so don't even bother and just leave."


They stared at each other for a minute. Tyler was thinking about everything Caroline just said and seeing her being hurt like that kills him from inside and he doesn't really know how he can explains himself to her. She's right in every word she just said. 

Tyler decides to leave without saying a word back. Caroline breaks down in tears after he left. She went to her room sat for the rest of that day in it.


The next week ...

Klaus was heading to the class where he had to be. On his way he found a girl sitting somewhere in the corner and she looked like she has cried for a whole week non-stop. 

Klaus decided to take a look and see if he could help her with anything, maybe she has some trouble with stuff at school. 

"Hi; My name is Klaus, I am an English trainee. Would you like to tell me what's wrong maybe I  can help you with it."

Caroline who was sitting there looked up and saw someone who she wished wouldn't see her like that. 

Klaus recognised her immediately; she was that one girl who wasn't paying attention while he was introducing himself on the first day. 

"N-No" With that being said... Caroline was out of the present world...

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