Chapter 7: Bad news for you, good news for her

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@ Killian's place

"My brother.." Damon said with a shrug.

Killian looked surprised. He did not think Damon had a brother, but Damon has never talked about him too.

"Your brother? You have a brother?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Do not ask why I never told you about him. I was planning to not tell anybody and I still intend to."

Killian understood that it's about family business en decided not to ask any questions further. Although he really wanted to know why Damon would act that way.

Damon seemed to be very frustrated. He needed rest, it was just too much for him to bear.

"How did you know he came back, mate?" Killian asked after a while of silence.

Damon seemed shocked at first, he wanted to remain silent but ended up giving the answer Killian wanted to hear.

"I got a call from an unknown number today and .."


Damon was still in bed, he had quite a heavy day behind and ended it off with, where Damon is so renowned for, girls and alcohol. He wanted to put his head somewhere else than Elena. He hasn't heard from her for a while now, and didn't like that she was stuck in his head like 24/7.

His phone rang. He was too lazy to answer it so decided to just deny it.

After a little while his phone rang again. He answered it.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"Hello, a-are you Damon S-Salvatore?"

"Yeah, I am. What do you want?"

"I've missed you. Don't you remember me?"

"Uhm, does it seem like I do? Who the hell are you?"

The man kept silence.

"Listen I don't have time for this nonsense man. What do you want from me?"

"I have some news for you."

Damon hang up and sighed.

He stood up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast .

Well, well... nothing to eat. Now what? Damon said as he opened the fridge to get some food. He looked around in the kitchen, hoping to find something. After a minute or two he gave up and decided to have breakfast at Granny's.

Just when he decided to leave, he got called again. Damon had had enough of the man and switched his phone off.

4 hours later

Damen truned his phone on and saw that he's been called five times by the same unknown number. He had had enough and decided to call that man back.

"Just tell me the news you have and leave me alone."

"Damon? Alright I-I will but first I would like to tell you who I actually am."


"Zach Salvatore. I know it's been a long time since we talked but I swear to you that I tried to reach you but you seemed unreachable."

Damon didn't say a word. His eyes were wide open and his anger grew gradually as he let those words sink into his head.

"Damon? Damon? You still there?"

"How did you get my number?" was all that came out of his mouth.

"That doesn't matter. However I have some news you would want to hear."

"Keep it to yourself."

"Damon listen, it's about Stefan."

"dammit just say it. What's with Stefan?"

"He is in Story Brooke ... with me."

*End of flashback*

"So you brother and Uncle are now in Story Brooke ?" Killian asked a bit confused. |
"Why is that bad news?"

Damon didn't want to answer that and by that he stood up.

"I am leaving. "

"Wait, Damon are you okay? I don't think it's a good idea for you to drive home now."

" I Couldn't be better, mate." And by that he left.


Emma and Elena decided as usual to go to Granny's, eat something and to talk a bit.

Emma obviously could not wait because she was so eager about knowing everything that happened between her and that mysterious guy, according to Emma, named Stefan.

So Elena told her what happened, however Elena didn't think it's a big deal.

"He became a good friend of mine. A very handsome one. Have I mentioned that he's a gentleman?"

Emma giggled, "yeah, maybe once or twice and by once or twice I mean maybe a couple of hundred times."

"Ooppss ... sorry Emma." She bit her lip and blushed a little bit.

"Uhm, how is Henry?" Elena wanted to change the subject.


Stefan is at home all the time, he was bored and he could not do much because he did not know much about the neighborhood.

He was just watching TV until a great idea came to him. He wanted to call Elena, ask her if she would like to go somewhere with him, just as friends together so that Stefan gets to know more about Storybrooke.

So he called her. The first time she did not answer so he decided to call again, in case she hasn't heard her phone or something.

"Stefan?" Elena was glad Stefan called her, she sounded happy.

"Elena, uhm I wanted to.. wanted to ask if we can do something together. I am really bored, so what do you think?" He waited patiently for her to answer.

Elena blushed and didn't know what to say for a while.

Is he asking me out? Really? Because of his boredom? Elena thought.

Stefan realized that Elena understood something else than what he really meant, because she remained silent for a while, so he tried to make things clearer.

He does not want her to think that if he would ask her out that he would do it like that.

"Come on Elena, I thought we are good friends now, aren't we?"

"Okay Stefan, come and pick me up in an hour."

"An hour?" he asked fake surprised.

"uhm yeah, problems sir?"

"Nowpe, see ya after 55 minutes madame."

Elena laughed as she shook her head and hang up.

She started to get ready for a nice evening with her good friend.

She ran upstairs, opened her closet to see what she would wear, and of course she found nothing.

she continued staring at the closet for a while and ended up wearing a simple white t-shirt and a skirt. Finishing it with black boots and a long vest.

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