Chapter 14: "Don't worry, not today"

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"Damon"  "Elena"

Both turned to see who called their name. 

15 minutes earlier 

"They actually did a pretty good job." Killian remarked. 

Emma who sank deep in her thoughts, finally looked up at Killian. "Yeah, they did" 

She soon received a huge grin from Killian. Not knowing what to do she decided to look around her until she noticed something, she shouldn't have noticed. 

Through one of the windows she saw Elena and Damon talking and when they looked towards her she quickly turned her head. 

"Pssst, Killian!"

"Yes? Is there something wrong?"

"No, I wouldn't say wrong at all.. 

Don't make it too obvious, but look through the  window over there and tell me who you'll see."

So did Killian and he soon knew what Emma was talking about and a huge smirk appeared on his face. 

"Don't you see sparks around them or is it just me?"  Emma asked with an evil smile, she was seeking

"I say let's help them just as they helped us." Killian said standing up and gesturing at Emma to walk along with him.

She shook her head laughing and finally decided to help them as well.

Both went outside to find their friends; they were shocked when they noticed that they actually didn't need any help.

"Damon"  "Elena"

Damon and Elena immediately turned around. "Perfect timing.." Damon gritting his teeth.

Elena couldn't help it but felt awkward and began to distance herself from Damon.

"Why don't you guys join us?" Killian said with an amusing smirk on his face.

"Join you? pff no don't be silly... I was just heading to..." Elena was trying to come with something but got tongue-tied.

Damon noticed that and helped her out immediately: "We were just checking if there were any seats here left.. you see, we forgot to tell you guys we are on a date so we wanted to go somewhere and figured Granny's might be that place. Unfortunately there is none, so we're going somewhere else."

All mouths were open; Elena's, Emma's and Killian's. Damon reached out for Elena's hand and interwined their fingers.

Emma glared at Elena and Elena, not understanding what was going on, looked at Damon with big surprised eyes.

"Well well, have fun then." Killain finally said.

For some reason it made Killian happy that Damon and Elena didn't join them;  however he didn't seem to understand why.

"Elena, don't forget to call me when you get home."

After that Elena was pulled by Damon and they both started walking away from Emma and Killian.

Damon opened the door of his car for Elena expecting her to get in.

"What the hell? I am not getting in. You do understand that you have  some explanation to do."

Damon did see the coming and he had his answer ready.

"Elena, I just saved you from an awkward third-wheeling situation. A simple thank you is enough."

" What are you talking about? It's just a meeting between a teacher and a parent"

"HA and I am a millionaire.

Let me tell you this: this is the first time Killian asks a parent for a meeting outside the school."

Elena waited for a while.

"Besides, you were here to help them out and now you suddenly want to join them? Or are you just afraid of.."

Elena cut Damon right away by saying:

"I didn't say I'd join them, I would've probably find a way to get myself out of this and no I am not afraid... of anything

or anyone."

That 'afraid part' came out very quietly out of her mouth, yet Damon managed to hear it.

"Alright, good then. Forget about the date part, it was the only thing that came in my mind because I wanted to help you out as soon as I saw you were struggling with getting yourself out of  the situation. Get over it."

" I already am."

"Do you at least wanna just hang out for a bit? As friends I promise."

Elena took her time to think about it, after all he did save her from a very awkward situation.

"Alright then."

With that being said, she got in the car and Damon drove away.

"Where are we going?" Elena asked when she didn't recognise where she was anymore. She started looking around, but it was dark and she couldn't see a thing and that's where she started to panic.

Is he kidnapping me or something? What is this place? I should've said no. Whyy did I come along with him? Emma is going to kill me

A laughing voice woke Elena up from her thoughts.

"Calm down, I'm not kidnapping you or anything."


"Did uh.. you hear that?" She asked nervously

"Heard what? you talking to yourself questioning why you came along and all that stuff?"

 Elena's eyes widened.

"Nahh, didn't hear that."

Elena hit his shoulder playfully and giggled.

"I wanted to take you somewhere.. it's beautiful there." He finally answered her question.

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on kidnapping you today anyways."

Both started laughing.

@The Hospital

Caroline was starting to feel slightly better, when she opened her eyes, she saw someone sitting beside the bed she was laying on.  However she wasn't able to figure out who it was.

When Klaus noticed Caroline moving, he leaned in closer to see how she was doing.

"Are you feeling alright?" He managed to ask after catching himself stare at her while lying there in silence.


"No no, it's Klaus. I am your new English Trainee."

Caroline thought she heard it wrong so she looked at Klaus diligently.

"Who?  What?

Why are we here?"

"You don't remember?"

She shook her head.

"You were having probably a rough week and when I asked you if everything was alright you fell out."

"But why was I having a rough week? What am I missing? How long did I stay here?"

"Caroline listen, I understand you have a lot of question right now, but it's better for you if you just take some rest and I will try and find you the answers you want to know."

Since Caroline wasn't feeling that well, she didn't argue with him and decided to rest some more, her headache was getting worse by the minute.

"Goodnight, Caroline."

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