Chapter 12: Glad We Think Alike.

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@ Elena's House

Worried about being late? Important meetings?  This can't be just an important meeting... I know Killian, he would be a great guy for Emma. There must be something I can do about this.

Elena kept thinking about a plan, something she could do to bring these two together but she couldn't.  She soon realised that sitting home won't really help her so she decided to head to Granny's where Emma is having her important meeting.

Elena's plan didn't include Emma knowing about Elena's presence, but that is something she knows she had to consider once again.

Her phone lights up. 

A text from Stefan.

Hey, Elena. Are you busy tonight?  I was wondering if we could hang out?

Oh Shoot! 

I would love to but there's something I have to take care of, first.  Elena replied to Stefan's text.

Oh, I see. You can't make time for me... you have reponsibilities now? ;) 

a little smile appeared on Elena's face. 

Uhm yeah ofcourse, I can think of other things except for just food. But I'll explain everything later. Byee xx 

Stefan was surpised but happy at the same time; she could make his day better through some texts she would send him. 

Alright,  I'll be waiting for you.

Goodluck! xxx

After Stefan's last text, Elena decided to head towards Granny's to help her desperate bestie, Emma. 

@ Damon's House

Damon actually thougt there was something going on but knowing Killian he knew there'll be nothing if he didn't help him... just a little bit.

Thinking of way to help Killian, Damon kept pacing throught his livingroom. After a couple of minutes he decided that him staying home won't do any good.

He was planning on going to Granny's, where Killian and Emma will be, and there he would do something he might regret but... oh well, it is Damon we're talking about. 

'you'll thank me later, mate.'

And with that being said he took his car keys and left his house, heading to Granny's. 

- On the road with Elena - 

Elena sat in the bus, still figuring out a way to help Emma. 

After a minute or 10 she was there. The first thing she deciced to do was to hide so Emma couldn't see her.  

The restaurant had a couple of windows, ELena decided to  spy on them through the windows for a while. 

Suddenly she heard a car door getting shut. She didn't pay attention who it was and continued spying on Emma.  

Damon got in a couple of mintues there and decided to first look to  what they weer doing in that restuarant. By doing so, he didn't want Killian to see him, at least not yet. 

Damon kept walking around the restaurant to find a spot where he has a perfect sight over them.  And in all of a sudden he found himslef bumped into someone. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." Damon quickly said. He didn't see who it was, but what he could easily notice was that it was a girl with long hair.  The girl he'd bumped into appeared to be Elena. 

"Oh, it's okay." Elena said before looking at Damon. Then their eyes mey eachother and they looked at eachother.

Damon had a huge smile on his face.

I came to help my bestfriend but apparently god decided to help me out.  Damon thought in himself.

Elena noticed the smile on his face and blushed. She didn't want Damon to notice her blushing but she had a feeling he actually did. 

"Elena, very nice to see you again." 

A little smile appeared on her mouth. "likewise."

"Although; I would've prefered it to be in an another situation."

They both laughed. 

"I know what you mean. 

Ofcourse you don't mind me asking what you were doing." Damon had his well-known smirk on his face.

Elena got nervous and didn't know how to answer his question. She was about to say: I was just spying on my bestfriend, what about you?  but she didn't. 

"I was just checking whether there are any empty places left or not?" She realised she emphrased it as a question so she quickly added: " As you can see there are. But how about you?"

"I was just trying to help a friend out." He simply answered. 

Elena laughed in herself. 

Great minds do think a like. 

"Helping a friend out? With what?"

Before he could answer her question, he took a look inside the restaurant and noticed Killian sitting with Emma. He recognised Emma immediately, she was Elena's bestfriend. So the whole time Killian was talking about Emma as in Elena's bestfriend Emma...

Elena got curious; she noticed Damon was staring at someone. 

"Is there something wrong?" She asked out of curiosity. 

No answer.


Damon sank deep in his thoughts. Is Killian actually going out with Elena's bestfriend? Why else would Elena be here? She probably had the same genius plan I had. Great minds do think a like, I guess.

"Elena..." He finally spoke. 


"Why didn't you tell me you were helping a friend out as well?"

Elena went with her hand through her hand, thinking of something to say to Damon. 

Nothing came out of her mouth, but Damon knew she was wondering about how he'd know.

"I saw Emma inside, with the friend I am trying to help."

" Ah... Emma."

"Yeah, Emma. I still remember her, you know that?

It's the bestfriend of the girl that..." Damon didn't complete his sentence instead he just kept staring at Elena.

She was blushing, her head got as red as a tomato and she decided to stare at her shoes for a while. 

"So, do you actually have a plan?" Damon finally asked. 

"Well... No actually. I don't know how to -"

"So you came all the way over here with no plan?" Damon asked surprised.

"Well, I was planning on doing something. I just haven't figured out what. Not yet.

  I assume you do have a plan, Mr. Prepared."

"No." And they both burst out laughing.

"Soo... What do we do?"

"Well Elena... I just got this crazy idea in my head but we will have to cooperate."

"Okay. What's the plan?"

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