Chapter 10: Surprise surprise!

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"Caroline! Caroline!" Klaus was shocked while standing there not knowing what he should do.

When he went up to Caroline to ask her about what's bothering her and if he could help her with it, her answer was no and right after answering him she fainted.

Klaus decided to call the ambulance. After a minute or ten they arrived and they took Caroline with them, Klaus decided to go along because he was worried about her. Afterall she is one of his students.

At the hospital 

Klaus was impacient, he is waiting for the doctor to tell him what's the matter for more than an hour now. He forgot to call school to explain his and Caroline's absence. So he did that.

"Hey, this is KLaus. I'm at the hospital with Caroline Forbes, she  fainted so I took her to the hospital. I haven't heard anything from the doctor about her but when I do I will come back with the papers and everything so you have nothing to worry about. I-.."

"Mr. Klaus."

"The doctor is here, I have to talk to him. Have a good day." With that being said, Klaus turned his attention back to the doctor, "Is everything alright? How is she?" He asks immediately.

"She is now asleep, her bloodpressure was pretty high and her heartbeats were very unstable so we got worried and we suspected her having some problems with her heart so we carried out an extensive rersearch on her, just to make sure everything is okay with her, which is the case." The doctor remaind silent for a while he then asked Klaus: "Are you her boyfriend?"

Klaus was surprised by his question but answered " N-no, I'm her English trainee at school."

"Oh, alright. You see, because her bloodpressure was higher than it normally should be, I think the cause of all this might be a broken heart. Did you notice anything different about her lately?"

"I haven't seen her last week at school at all so I don't really know, but today, she seemed like she has cried for a whole week non-stop so I went up and asked her what's wrong and while answering she was gone."

"That only confirms our thoughts. However, she needs to stay in here today, there's a chance she might be able to go home tonight, it just depends on her medical condition."

"Alright, thank you for explaining, doctor." 

"You're welcome, she'll be okay don't worry." 


At school

"So, is Caroline okay?" Bonnie asks Killian. After Klaus'call, all the teachers were informed about the reason behind the absence of Caroline and Klaus.

"We don't know anything yet. The teachers were only told what I just told you guys. 

 I'm sure she'll be fine."

"No you're not!" Bonnie said out lout. She soon realised that wasn't very smart of her to say so she appologised and asked if she could go to the bathroom. 

After this class, it was lunchtime. Jeremy saw Bonnie was upset so he decided to talk to her. Bonnie has texted him and told him about Caroline. Since Caroline was the closest friend of Bonnie at school, he felt like he should stay by her side till Caroline comes back.

"Hey Bon."

"Jer... Caroline, I-I'm so scared." Bonnie was about to cry, she felt two strong arms wrapped around her. At first she was shocked and she wanted to get out of the position she was in, but she didn't. She liked it, Bonnie felt for the first time protected.. 

"Bonnie, everything is going to be okay. She'll be okay, You know Caroline, she's a fighter!" 

"Yeah..." A small smile appeared on her face. She pulled away and after that they kept staring at each other. Jeremy leaned in, Bonnie, not noticing, too. Just when their lips were about to touch one another they got disturbed.  

"Kuch, Kuch" Bonnie immedialtely stepped back and Jeremy looked the other way, if he could kill that person, he would. 

"I am really sorry to interrupt this moment. But Jeremy, can I speak to you?" Jeremy recognised the voice of his bestfriend. 

He sighed.

"uhm, I g-gotta go." Bonnie excused herself and left. 

Jeremy was glaring at Henry and Henry couldn't help himself and laughed. 

"Dude, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, you know, destroy your first kiss and all."

"Oh no, Henry, don't worry, don't worry at all! There'll be a revenge." Jeremy smirked while saying that. 

"Yeah, right. What happened to Caroline, I heard she's in the hospital?"

"Yeah, Mr. Killian told us she was. She was at school and when Mr. Klaus went to talk to her she fainted so he brought her to the hospital." 

"Oh, I hope she's okay."

"yeah, me too."

The bell rang, it was time for their last class. 


Emma went to pick Henry up from school. She also wanted to talk with Killian about him and his behaviour. 

After a minutue or two she saw Henry coming. "Hey, Henry." 

"Hey, mom, let's go!" Henry was about to get in the car but Emma stopped him. 

"I need to talk to your teacher, Killian." Henry got a bit nervous. 


"Sure, I'll go with you." He suggested.

"Oh you don't have to. You can wait here for me, it won't take long." 

Hmmm... she is acting weird. That's never good.

Henry decided to just let it go and got in the car.

At Killian's office 

"Hallo, Mr. Killian, I'm Henry's mother." Emma said after knocking and opening the door of his office.

"Emma, right? Just Killian please." Killian said with a bright smile. He finds it weird that he actually was happy to see her agin. 

"Yeah, Emma. Do you have time or shall I come another time?" 

"Well, my last class starts in 5 minutes. I guess you wanted to talk to me about something important?" Killian suspected.

"Yes, but it's okay. I can come another time." She was about to leave.

"No, wait!" Killian stood up and walked towards Emma. "Does after school work for you? It might sound weird but maybe we can go somewhere, drink something, and then we can talk about what you want?"

Emma gave him her surprised look which made Killian laugh slightly. 

"See it as a meeting, like the previous one but now it's not at school but somewhere nicer."

"Sure, where would you like to meet?" 

"Do you know that one restaurant that's called Granny's? "

"Ofcourse I do! Great choice." Killian laughed.

"Thank you. Does six o'clock work for you?"

"Yeah, will do. See you later!" And with that being said, Emma left his office and headed to her car where Henry was waiting. 

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