Me: None commented, some seen but none was able to answer. Although laidz get the "Midory" part (something is still missing) so I'll tell the answers.
1. What are the possibilities I would get when im a skilled fighter?
= Its in the question... sKILLED2. what is Midory's favorite Fish
=Dory: ME DORY!!! (Me-Dory)3. If Frisk and Sans get married, where would they live?
= Combine Sans and Frisk's name and you'll found something familiar4. Why did I ask a Skeleton how to Open my iPad
=Because he loves to skeletON my gadgets5. Who is my Crush?
= I make it easy so atleast you would answer one. The hero in Lost Angel.Me: Thats it.. And another pun.
"Why does Peter Pan always fly?"
Me: Comment! God bless