When things just fall apart

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The thing I finally joined
Yet they closed and I didn't know why
I used to have friends
Yet they go one by one
I lost my very first friend here
Yet she's the first I lost
And I don't know where she is now
The thing I wish to be a psychologist
My parents doesn't seem to like it
So I took Teacher instead
Something I don't find it right
I had my first love
But he hurt me more than a hundred
I loved him all that I can
Yet he doesn't seem to notice
Or care
So I give up
Then I had a boyfriend
But he's lusty
Im keeping 50/50
I dream to be an author
But I have no reader
Im not confident as how I do before
And now Im Grade 11
Im choosing my own path
But what do I want?
Maybe things just fall apart

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