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I was tagged by _Skittles_27

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I was tagged by _Skittles_27

1. Purple is my favorite color
2. Im extremely serious and moody. Extremely stoic too.
3. Reading and writing is my thing
4. I have numerous phobias
5. I am secretly depressed (used to it though.)
6. I'm a proud Christian
7. I am also a Potterhead and Monster High Fan
8. I love Jashron so much
9. Most of the friends I have are mostly from internet
10. Im extremely antisocial but Friendly to those who are kind to me
11. I have a lot of talents but I don't used them
12. My name came from Final Fantasy 7 and it means light
13. I hate my name though..

I tag?

Anyone who wants., i mean... Most of my friends here already left wattpad.

God bless

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