The Accident

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I was at work when I got the news. Working a extra shift at the diner. Kurt had asked me to come outside with him so we can talk. I tired to say not right now but he said it was urgent. I can tell by the look on his face and the tone of his voice that something was bothering him.

"Kurt, just tell me please. " I said . I never seen him act this way before. "Kurt please, your scaring me. Just tell me"

"Finn was in a accident. He was driving home from glee club when a drunk driver ran a red light and hit his car. The whole car flipped over. I called my dad and he said Finn is in a coma but he is alive. It can go either way though. Rachel I think we should go back for Lima and be there for him and my parents. They need the support" he said

My heart sank. It is like I can hear it shattering into a million pieces. I'm having trouble processing what's happening. I can't believe this is happened to Finn. He is lying on a hospital bed due to someone else's reckless behavior. I just want to cry but I also want to be strong and find the person who hurt him. Finn is the man I still love and right now I need to be there for him, I haven't been there for him and that's all about to change.

"I need to go see him Kurt, I need to be with him. If I need to leave New York permanently I will. I love him and I can't lose him" I said in between the tears.

Of course, I got tickets for you, Santana and I , for us to go back to Ohio. We leave tonight. I worked it out with the boss. He said take as much time as we need. " Kurt responded

We take off from the diner and head over to the apartment. We pack our bags to hold about two weeks worth of clothes plus a few carry on's. The wait period to even board the plane and take off will take too long. I am just afraid he will not be there by the time we arrive. I am so nervous. I don't want to lose him. My mind is all clouded with thoughts of him. I am just so scared to lose him. As soon as the plane starts boarding I calm down a little but we still have a long time to go. I released I didn't even know i was holding. All I can do now is sleep and have hope that I make it there on time. I'm sorry Finn. I love you and I'm on my way.

((What Rachel is wear will be in each chapter. And it will be highly appreciated if you can leave feedback. Thanks for all the reads. ~Liz))


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