Last day of Beatle Performances

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December, 19, 2015

Today is the last day of performances. I had some of the tech savvy nerds at McKinley set up a tripod to record videos for future glee clubs.

Rachel: Not to Jinx it but I bet the performances will be just as good as yesterday's, maybe even better.

Sam: you can bet on it. So how is Finn?

Rachel: He is slowly progressing in trying to remember but his physical therapy is going well.

Sam: That's great. Do you think I can visit him?.

Rachel: Of course, Santana and Kurt have visited him already. If you do though, just refrain from forcing memories on him. It will all get jumbled up in his mind. The doctors say it will create unneeded stress.

Sam: Of course, I will be super careful. I'll just reintroduce myself.

Rachel: I am going to visit him after school, if you would like to tag along.

Sam: I have the time , but it wouldn't bother you?

Rachel: Not at all, I think it would be good for him to see more people.

Sam: Great, now let's get started with these last songs

They make there way to the auditorium. Now it is time for Kitty, Marley, Unique and Madison to perform there Beatle song.

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