Finn is awake

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My head is spinning. I don't know if I heard those words right. Awake... Finn is awake. It feels like a dream, one that I will wake up from. One I must have made up. It makes me feel like that everything that had happened today and the last two months will be taken away. It will cease to exist.

"Doctor, when did he wake up?."Carol asks "How Is he? How is my son? When can we see him?"
"Right now, all I am aware of is. The medicine we have used must have spread its course. Or Finn Is extremely lucky to be alive due to his injuries, it was looking really bad. He woke at about seven PM. Shortly after that he tried to rip out his breathing tube. As for visitors, not today. We want to run some extra tests. See if his health is getting any better. We want to see if he will be able to walk again and just see if his body will function normally again." He says as he is about to walk away.

"Wait doctor. Has he asked about any of us?. Does he say he remember what happened that night?" Rachel asked curiously

"During the accident, his parietal lobe suffered some damage. He can remember little bits at a time. It will take, who knows how long until he can gain all his memory back. I'm so sorry." He replies.

"I have hope. I have hope he will regain all of his memories again again. This is Finn. He is such a strong kid. Right now, let's focus on the fact that he is here with us again" Burt says to cheer everyone up.

"My dads right" Kurt says "We should celebrate the fact that he even woke up. I am going to call everyone over to the glee room and tell them we have a surprise. So cheer up"

"Okay, Hummel. Let's do it. Burt and Carol. Will you be joining us?" Santana asks

"Thanks for the offer, but I think we should go home and just relax. Time to process"

"Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Hummel. We will see you tomorrow. Sleep well"

With saying our goodbye. We soon depart to the glee room where Quinn managed to gather together all out friends, And all the glee club to meet up so late at night. I give her credit , she is very good at planning things last minute. I can't wait to see all there reactions. I hope they will take the news well. The good and bad.

I stand outside the glee room, I take one last breathe before I walk in.

Welcome Back Finn Hudson

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