Catching Up

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From the time I was in New York, I was only technically gone for about a year and a half. I have missed so much though.

Puck and Quinn got engaged. They both got good jobs. They received custody of Beth and she is now three years old.

Artie is going to a very Prestigious Art School, so he can become a director

Mercedes and Brittany are collaborating together on writing songs for some well known Record Company.

Tina decided to open up her own fashion store. She will open it by the beginning of next year.

Mike has been asked to go on tour with a number one dance crew.

Unique is still in the glee club with Jake, Ryder, Marley, Kitty and all the other new kids in the club at McKinley. I haven't had the chance to meet them all yet.

Sam was a model in Los Angeles. He got his picture successfully in a magazine as a underwear model. Now he coaches the glee club.

I'm glad. All our dreams, our aspirations have came true. Even mine. I got to go to New York. I was on Broadway. I went to NYADA. I can't believe I have missed So much. No more, Rachel Berry will be around more often.

"Rachel, come on we have a hour before visiting hours are over" Says Santana

"Okay I'm coming. Guys it was a pleasure to catch up. I promise to come back and visit. Text me any time or message me on Facebook. I would like to keep in contact"

"Of course we will" Tina responds "Give a hug to Finn for us. See you later. Goodbye all"

We make it back in time but right when we get to Finns room there are doctors everywhere. I can't see what is going on. I am trying not to imagine the worse but they make me wait in the waiting room. I am getting so impatient. It had been a hour

"Kurt. I'm scared. I just wish they would tell us already."

"Its okay Rachel. I'm pretty sure if it was something bad they would have told us by now or they would've called his mom. Keep your head up"

"Kurt is right Rachel. Finn is strong. I have hope and you know how I am. I have hope he will be fine." Says Santana

It take another hour before the doctor can even tell us what is going on. We called Burt and Carol and they made it over and said they didn't know what was going on either. Then the doctor comes over.

"He's awake"

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