Visiting Finn

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Kurt's point of view

The whole trip from New York back to Lima has been the longest trip of my life. Not because Rachel was all restless, I can't blame her. It's because Finn is my brother and my best friend. He's been there for me through so many things and I don't want to lose him. I lost my mom when I was really young and I don't think I can handle another loss of someone so dear to me.

"Hey Sweetie " Carol says as soon as she spots us in the waiting room

"Hi Carol" I say "how are you? We missed you and I'm sorry we haven't been in touch lately"

"Kurt its okay and I'm fine I am just worried about Finn. The doctor said there is a chance he will make it but he might become paralyzed" she responded.

I can't begin to even think of what will happen if Finn lives. If Finn lives and is paralyzed, I will just be glad he's still with us but being paralyzed will crush his spirit. Finn didn't deserve any of this. He's the nicest guy I have ever known. He's changed so many lives lives for the better. Who knows where each of us would be without. I don't want to imagine a world without Finn Hudson. He did nothing wrong to deserve all this pain and I blame that stupid driver for harming our family and creating all this unwanted stress and pain

Rachel speaks up, "Miss Hummel? What happened to the guy responsible for placing Finn here? Will he be charged?

"He barely even got a scratch. I'm sorry Rachel but  it looks like he will only be in jail for a couple years on the charge of reckless endangerment and driving intoxicated" Burt says.

"No one hurts my boy like that. Looks like I need to go all Lima heights on him. What a ass. " replies Santana

"Santana he will get what he deserves. We just need to worry about Finn. Promise me you won't do something stupid while we are here. All we need to worry about is Finn."

"Okay Berry I promise , but I want to see this low life put behind bars. If I had my way, he would lying in a hospital bed too"

"We all will get justice for Finn. Without the torture part, Santana" says Carol.

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