Chapter 1

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Losing a bet was bad enough. I didn't take a gamble unless I was certain I could win. Losing a bet to one of my younger brothers was worse. But losing a bet to Sean was the equivalent of being thrown into the fires of hell and knowing that I will never make it out. I'm probably being too kind to the inhabitants of hell; surely Sean winning a bet was worse than that.

10 minutes. 10 minutes of laughing and dancing, and high fiving every single one of my brothers; 10 minutes of gloating and taunting. Lord, he is insufferable when he wins. "Perhaps you wish to tell me what it is you want for your good fortune, Sean?"

"Good fortune, Owen? Do you mean to insinuate that my well earned victory is nothing more than luck?" I smirked back at Sean knowing that my non-answer would be enough to tell him that I firmly believed his victory was no more than fool's fortune.

"Owen! I'm hurt. I sat and focused on that game of chess for hours in order to beat you fair and square! It's not my fault you were distracted." In an uncharacteristic show of emotion, I huffed in annoyance at my best friend. Distracted. Luke distracted me on purpose. I'm sure of it. Sean's victory wasn't luck, it was sabotage.

I glared at Sean knowing what the real reason behind his victory was, but I couldn't do anything about the bet. Sean didn't directly cheat, so I was bound by honor to pay up. "What is it that you want, Dr. Green?"

He gave me a grin so mischievous that Kevin McAllister character would have been jealous. What in the world are you up to, my friend?

"Well, Mr. Blackbourne, you are going to join the world of online dating for the next month." I moved to protest, but was cut off. "Nope! You do not get to object. You lost. So, you'll be online dating for the next month while your brothers and I manage your profile. And you have to go on no less than one date a week. And," he continued speaking with a pointed finger at me, "when I say date, I mean a real date. Not some breakfast meeting that you've tried to pass off as a date for the last 5 years."

I sighed heavily, knowing that I wouldn't be able to get out of this. The knowing smirks from my brothers have me glaring back at them. You'll be doing hours for this. Don't worry, I'll get you all back for this.

"Very well, Dr. Green. I shall abide by your terms."

"I knew you could be reasonable, Owen. Victor have you finished his profile?" Sean asked with an enthusiasm I hadn't seen out of him since we found the boys. Have I been that much of a recluse that the thought of me going on a date sends them into a fit?

"Almost. Gabriel's just finishing finding an appropriate profile picture."

"Mr. Morgan, Mr. Coleman, I believe we are not supposed to use our real photos. The Academy would not be pleased."

"Well no shit, Mr. B! Do you think I would fucking do that? Vic's the only one who can use his real photo for anything since the fucking public already knows who he is. I'm sorting through celebrity photos that look like you. I think I've narrowed it down to this Matt Bomer guy. He's close enough to you."

Mr. Coleman showed me the photo in question, and I had to acknowledge that we did bear some resemblance to each other. "That will do Mr. Coleman." Gabriel grinned at me, and I had to repress another sigh. They were like children with candy; far too eager for something that will only give them a stomach ache later on.

Shortly after they posted my profile to their chosen online dating website, it was time to leave. Gathering Dr. Green away from the computer where my brothers were already fielding responses on my behalf, I made my way to the car. As soon as we were in the car, I snapped at him.

"What game are you playing at, Sean? Online dating of all things. You cannot possibly be serious about this."

Sean merely shrugged at me. "Of course I'm serious, Owen. You need to act like the 22 year old you actually are. There is nothing wrong with online dating, and the science behind it is actually pretty impressive. Kota speaks highly of the algorithm they are using. Besides, you saw the profile; we didn't make you out to be a creeper."

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