Chapter 4

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I couldn't remember dreading something as much as I hated the idea of going on this date. Mr. Lee, Kota rather, had picked a French bistro our family had been to before for our simultaneous blind dates. At least the food will be decent.

My solace in all of this was that my partner in dating crime would be there today to make Mr. Lee's, Kota's, date just as miserable as I was sure mine would be.

Adjusting my tie, I pondered again how I got myself into this situation. Blast you, Sean Green. If it wasn't for him, I would be working on our next assignment or investing the money I had secretly set aside years ago for my family. My mother's inheritance would see that my family wanted for nothing. Regardless of Mr. Morgan's—damnit I'm supposed to call them all by their first names now—Victor's musical career. If he wanted to walk away from the piano, I would make sure that no sense of financial obligation to our family kept him playing.

I stayed with my classic grey suit pants, crisp white shirt, and maroon tie. However, as I had promised to 'live a little' I switched out the matching grey suit coat for a grey, lightweight sweater. Combing my hair quickly and cleaning my glasses, I studied my appearance once more. This is as relaxed as I get.

I glanced at my watch and realized I had some time to spare before leaving. Checking the dating website, I frowned when my partner in dating hell wasn't there to chat with. If anyone would understand my unease with all of this, it was her.

Even though I couldn't commiserate with her then, knowing that she would be at the same place brought a small smile to my face. Sure she would be in the disguise we had discussed, preventing me from knowing exactly what she looked like, but a few details would be filled in; height, build, eye color. They were small glimpses into someone that, in the few days I had been speaking with, brought amusement and happiness into my life. Who would have thought that?

Sighing, I glanced back down at the time and decided it was time to leave. I arrived at the restaurant, exactly on time. I scanned the room as I entered and reminded myself to school my features as I searched out my partner in crime and Mr. Lee... Kota. Why did I agree to call them by their first names again? Oh yes, my partner in crime asked me to.

When I find her in the restaurant, I remind myself to keep my face impassive. Mr. Lee, Kota, was looking at me as well, and I couldn't let on that I held more than a passing interest in who his date was. After a quick glance at my partner in crime, I moved on to the hostess stand and gave the name of the reservation.

I was shown to my table and grimaced when I realized I would not have a view of the other blind date. Damnit. I want to know what's going on over there.

I ordered a glass of water as I waited for my date to arrive. After 5 minutes, I removed my phone from my pocket and scanned the screen hoping to fill in time. My date finally showed up after 15 minutes of waiting, I rose and greeted her formally.

"Owen Blackbourne."

"I'm Cherry."

Well, that explains the username.

Motioning to the table we both sat down. After we looked at the menus in awkward silence, we ordered and then stared at the person across the table. Falling back on my Academy training, I started with easy to answer questions.

"So Cherry, are you a mathematician or scientist?"

She blinked at me with a confused look on her face, before some recognition crossed her features and she answered.

"I am a scientist."

"What is your field of study?"

"The mind."

Well, this is unexpected. Perhaps this date will be less painful than I assumed.

"Fascinating subject. I was reading a study on how background noise hinders a child's ability to learn new words."

She looked at me and multiple emotions crossed her face, first disgust which I didn't understand, then joy. I couldn't think of anything that I had said that would have caused either of those reactions.

"Do you want children, Owen?"

"It is not something I have thought of much," I answered casually.

"Survival of the species is a principle dynamic."

Where in the world is she going with this?

"In terms of evolution, yes," I responded cautiously, still trying to decipher where this conversation was going.

I was saved from further discussion by the waiter returning with our order. We ate mostly in silence, trying and failing to find any subject that we could discuss. Finally settling for the weather, we had a remarkable two minute conversation on the humidity. Lord, this is insufferable.

After we finished eating, I was itching to end this disaster of a date when Cherry spoke up. "You really shouldn't read articles on psychology."

I raised an eyebrow before answering, "Why is that?"

"They're all rubbish and pseudoscience."

"For someone who studies the mind, you have a rather cynical view of your own profession."

"It's not my profession," she stated, and I wanted to gape at her, but held in my response. "It's my religion."

What the devil is going on here?


"I'm a scientologist."

"Well, that explains a great deal."

What I couldn't explain was the change in her demeanor. After what had to be the worst date of my life so far, she was looking at me with what appeared to be lust. I couldn't fathom what had happened in the course of the last hour to merit that.

"Should we get out of here? I live just around the corner. We could work on evolution."


"I believe you have the wrong impression of how this date went." I stood up and placed cash in the billfold to cover the check. "I thank you for your time, but I don't believe it would be prudent to continue."

As I exited, I was shocked to see her following me. Slipping back into my training, I casually walked around various shops in downtown Charleston. Stopping to purchase random items and changing course multiple times. By the time I entered my 5th shop, I was confident that my unwanted shadow had been lost or, more likely, had given up her pursuit of my affections.

Exiting the store, I made my way back to the car and finally was back at home. My sanctuary.

Logging in to my computer, I played around on the stock market for a while before making my way back to the dating site. A notification popped up on the screen informing me that I had a missed message.

MFSMUFT: Mission Report: Target has successfully been scarred for life by unknown secret goth chick. What's the next target, captain?

Instantly, I felt better. One message, and my annoyance at my end of this bet had melted away. What she said next though, had me wondering how someone so new could read me so well.

MFSMUFT: I'm sorry about your date. You looked terribly bored... and a little sad.

Who was this girl?

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