Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I hadn't even noticed I had fallen asleep before I fell flat on my face. "Wake up." Trip said. He was standing behind the couch, outing it back on the floor.
"You flipped me off the couch?" I exclaimed. Trip nodded and walked over to me.
"Get up and follow me." He commanded. I nodded and followed him to the door. He lead me down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"You may eat here." He gestured at a seat by the table with a tray with a couple pieces of toast on it. I nodded and sat down. "Wait here and don't move, while I get Tess." He added and left. I ate, not bothering with try to escape. They would expect it this time. Plus I was really hungry.
Trip came back in with the girl with blonde hair. "I am glad that you have not tried to escape." She stated and sat down across from me. I took another bit of my toast and nodded to index ate that u was listening.
"Your first test went very well. I am pleased with your results. Today is the second test." She said.
"I know." I said. She smiled.
"I would like you to follow me." She said. I got up and followed her. Trip moved behind me. "That won't be nessacary, Trip." Tess said.
Trip nodded and headed back the other way.
Tess lead me to a room with shelves and racks full if clothes. A walk in closet. "Wow," I gape. Tess walked over and picked up a black suit. It looked like something a super hero would wear-minus the under wear on the outside and the mask. It was all black with a zipper running down the side.
"You will be wearing this for your next test." She handed it to me. She turned around and stood with her back facing me.
I took that as an indication to change. I looked in the full length mirror. My brown hair fell strait down around my chest and back. "You look great," I heard Tess say. I smiled weakly. "Now follow me to the testing sight."
I followed her to the same room. The body, blood, and glass had been cleaned up. The door shut behind me with a soft click.
There wasn't a table in the room anymore. Instead there was a shelf of weapons. On it was a now and arrow, a knife, and a sword. "Test 2: weapon weilding." Said the voice from the loud speaker. On the other side of the room 2 targets had came out of the and a dummy holding a sword rose out of the floor.
I took a knife and fling it at the target. It hit 2 circles away from the bullseye. The target had gone back into the wall. Next I took the bow and arrow and aimed it at the middle of the target. I released the arrow and it spiraled straight into the center of the target. That target as well disappeared into the wall.
I grabbed the stored next and approached the dummy. The dummy's arm had whipped around. Aiming for my head. At the last second I ducked. The other arm came spinning at me, lower this time. I got ready to jump. I sprang up, but not high enough. The arm had knocked my feet out from underneath me and I fell flat on my face.
Another arm stabbed straight down and pierced the floor in between my legs. I gasped ad rolled away from the dummy. I stood back up and lifted up my sword. Again, I approached the dummy. The arm swung at me but this time I blocked. Still paying attention to the first arm, I hadn't noticed the second moving towards my legs. Once again it hit my legs, sending me sprawling to the ground. I rolled out if the way just in time for the third arm to smash down on the floor.
I picked my sword back up and ran at the dummy. I blocked the first arm. Swung down and cut off the second arm and dodged the third. The first arm swung around and I dodged it. I took the chance to slash the sword at the dummy's chest.
Cotton poured out of its chest. It shrank back into the floor and I set my sword back on the shelf.
The green gas filled the room and my vision blured. I became dizzy and fell to the ground, knocked out.

I woke up on the couch. Tess was standing next two the woman with black hair. "Good job." The woman said. I lifted my hand up to my aching forehead. The two women left and locked the door behind them. I heard a moan coming from the corner of the room.
I looked over and saw....

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