Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"It's not because of you!" Ash said raising his voice a bit. "I wouldn't even be here is my sister didn't force me to. I would help you again even if I knew it would happen. You never did anything wrong. Nobody deserves to be taken away from their family."
"You sound like you know how it feels." I said. Ash's face grew pale then he closed his eyes and it went back to normal.
"Good night, Rachel." He said ending the conversation.
"Good night," I said.
That night didn't pass with out constant nightmares of Ash getting hurt.
I winced as Trips fist pounded into Ash's stomach. He winced and crimson blood ran from his mouth. 'Why, Rachel.' He whispered and the horrifying scene faded.
I woke up with a scream. "Are you okay?" Ash asked.
"Yeah." I said, happy to hear his soothing voice. "Just a nightmare." I added. I felt him nod and his breath steady.

Trip walked in. "Good your awake." His deep voice said. As usual I followed him down stairs and into the kitchen to eat. From there he lead me to the testing cite.
"Test 4: speed," the monotone female voice said. This time the white room was a maze.
"So now I'm your rat?!" I yell out hoping that someone will hear me. Then a deep bark sounds behind me. I turn around slowly to see a big black dog, slobber running out of its mouth onto the cold white floor.
It leaped at me and I ran as fast as I could, it never caught up, but never fell behind. Constant barks reminded me that I wasn't alone.
I ran around a wall and came to a dead end. I felt a bit of bile rise up my throat. 'This is the end.' I thought morbidly.
The dog came around the corner and stood in an attack stance. I got ready for when it would pounce.
I stared into its black soulless eyes and though about my last moment. Would I go down to a vicious dog? Or will I fight and win?
The dog pounced aiming for my throat. I dodged ever so slightly and sprinted behind it. I ran faster then ever. I couldn't feel my numb feet. I looked down to see them moving fast. I ran around another corner and saw the exit. A bark and a low growl sounded behind me. I ran as fast as I could.
Then I made a fetal mistake. I felt my foot go out from underneath me. My body slammed into the cold hard ground. I gasped as a result of getting the wind knocked out of me.
The dog leaped over and hovered over me. "Why don't you just kill me and get it over with?" I taunted. "Stop with the whole 'staring deeply into my eyes.'" The dog growled again.
Quickly I pulled my leg up, slamming my knee into its soft black body. I pushed him off me and sprinted recovering fast from when I triped. I ran out of the maze and was back in the white room again?
"Test 4: complete." The voice sounded and the noxious green fume filled the room. I breathed the scent less gas in and prepared my self for the hard fall to the ground.

I woke up in the bedroom and looked around. Ash wasn't there. The room felt uncomfortably empty with out him. I got up and sat on the firm couch and waited for Ashes return.

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