Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I wake up, as usual, on the couch. My arm is bandaged up from yesterday's test. Ash is no where to be seen. I sigh.
I walk up to the draw, open it and snatch it up. I hold it up to the light to see what is in it. In it is a letter. I want to open it but the warning seems important. I thrown the envelope into the draw. 'CLANG.' The noise filled the room. There must have been something metal on the envelope.
'No.' I tell myself. 'I have to wait.'
I sit down on the couch. It just occurred to me that even though I am stuck here in this locked house, isolated from the outside world, that things are still happening. I wonder what my mother is doing at home. If she is searching for me. And I wonder about what Luther said about her and my father. One light, one dark. Why didn't she tell me. I am a catalyst. I take part in an even bigger picture then I imagined. I might just end the world.

"Time for your last physical test. Are you excited for the mental tests?" Trip asks.
"No!" I exclaim and shake my head. I am dreading them. But not as much as emotional tests.
"Well, body, heart, and mind. You need all of them to be a warrior." Trip says.
"But that's the thing. I don't want to be a warrior. I am fine with minding my own business. I just want to go home and forget this ever happened." I stated and followed Trip downstairs.
"You want to forget. But sometimes some people aren't worth forgetting. Like... Ash." Trip said.
I instantly feel my checks turn red. We approach the door. 'Thank you, door, for saving me from a reply to that.' I think.
I enter the room. This time in the room is-wait!!! It isn't a room. It is a fenced in yard. Though the fence is 10 feet high, I might be able to climb it and get out of here once and for all.
"Test 7: hand to hand combat." The monotone voice calls out. 'No!!!!!' I think to myself. Not a battle. I need to escape.
In front of me appear 3 men-no, not men. Things. One of the things has fur peaking out of the collar of its shirt. It's face isn't human. It has a snout. It's a werewolf. I gulp. The thing standing next to the werewolf is much taller. It's pigmentation is slightly green and it's face is mashed up, as if it's head wast big enough to evenly space out its eyes, nose and mouth. It's hands are massive and in its clutches is a club. 'That's not fair! I thought this was hand to hand combat!' I think to myself. I continue inspecting the thing, it was wearing jeans. No shirt, no shoes. I don't think try make shoes big enough for his feet. It could be a troll, maybe. Next to the troll is a man smaller then the werewolf and the troll. It looks like a man. It is dressed in robes and holds a staff. The thing is so skinny that you could see its bones. It was inhumanly skinny. 'Skin and bones.' The expression comes to mind when I look at it. It took that expression to the next level.
The small boney thing looks at me and extends on skinny finger. "Attack." It says. It didn't call out. In fact I barley heard it. The werewolf approaches me first.
It's jaws snap. It lowers down and growls at me. The werewolf lunges at me and I roll out of the way. I also mange to stick my foot out underneath it and trip it. The werewolf falls to the ground stunned that I actual got an attack in so fast. I take this moment to my advantage and pick up a rather large stick. I swing the stick at its head as hard as I can. The werewolf yelps but abruptly stops on the middle. It's eyes are closed. I knocked it out.
I didn't have time to celebrate, for the troll was approaching me with its club over its head ready to swing. The troll swings down at me and I dodge, rolling to the side. I pick up a decent sized rock and pitch it at the trolls head. The rock bounces off with very little effect. The one affect it did muster up was make the troll more angry. The beast roared and swung at me again. I barley managed to dodge this time. I run over to the troll and try to do what happens in movies or books. Make the troll beat itself up. I stand on the troll foot and await its strike. It swings down at me an I wait. At the last second I moved. I feel the wind caused by the swing of the club. The troll whacked it's foot with the club. I smile in triumph and glance at the troll cradling its foot while hoping up and down on the other. The troll lost its balance. It fell to the ground causing the ground to shake. I go in for the finishing move and stand in its head. The troll noticed my presence and reaches for its club. It swings fast, not hesitating at all. I wait once more for the last second and jump out of the way. I fell to the ground. I wince as pain floods to my ancle. I must have fallen on it wrong. I grimace and get up, trying not to apply and pressure to my ancle. I wobble over to the short skinny thing.
"You have defeated my troll and my werewolf. But you can not defeat-" I silenced the overconfident skinny thing with a rock straight to its head.
"Thank goodness that's over." I murmur.
"Task 7: complete." Said the monotone voice. I wait for the green gas but it does not come. Instead Tess and Mark come outside to join me.
"Congratulations. You have completed the physical tests. Now Mark will escort you to your room while I deal with... Them." Tess said and gestured at the knocked out monsters on the ground.
"Wait, is this who will be fighting the war?! Are they all like them?!" I ask.
"We will have time for questions later. Now you must wait for me to dispose of the fiends." Tess flicked her hand, gesturing my dismissal.
I followed Mark back to my room and sat. I waited for someone to knock on my door and give me the information I need. As time passed by my eyelids started to feel heavy. I tried to blink the sleep from my eyes. I yawned and lied down. 'Only for a minute,' I told myself. It was more than a minute.

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