Description of love part 2

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"JACK WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU," Mark said worried and concerned for jack's safety

"Mark it's alright i just got hurt in gym ye don't have to' worry,"Jack said not wanting mark to worry about him

"Jack i know what happened, i know you didn't get hurt in gym and that Franky and his crew of sophomores and juniors beat you up in gym i pasted by when i was getting a drink, why are you lying to me you can tell me the truth i will always be here with you and here for you" Mark said concerned and hurt that jack was lying to him.

" i'm sorry Mark i just didn't want you to worry about me, and i just feel like i should just stand up for myself but i always end up getting hurt everytime and each time i want you with me but i feel like it's my responsibility but in reality i know i need you but i'm not brave enough to say it to your face and everytime i go in i get hurt the most they hurt me was breaking my leg and the teachers don't even pay attention to it..... I JUST WANT IT ALL TO BE OVER MARK I WANT YOU TO JUST END IT ALL NOW" Jack replied quite scared and just broke down crying in front of Mark who was kind of surprised a boy as fragile as Jack managed to keep all in up to that point and just shifted jack into a gigantic hug not wanting to leave him alone ever again.

"Don't worry Jack i'll always be here for you no matter what and i will make those bullies pay for what they did, but first let's get you back to class." Mark said as he started to help jack up to go to his next class.

"Alright Mark" Jack said as he tried to get up with mark's help, but he instantly fell down and screamed in agonizing pain

"JACK WHAT'S WRONG" Mark said once again worried for his boyfriend

"I told you they broke my leg i can't really walk" jack said still in pain

"Ok thats it im taking you to the hospital, and then i will make sure those bullies pay" mark said picking Jack up bridal style and carrying him out of the school knowing the nurse will sign them out of school.

"Alright Mark but don't start a fight please" Jack pleaded with Mark

"Dont worry i have a plan" Mark stated, he didn't actually have a plan but he would think of something
When they got to the hospital Jack's leg was indeed broken but he healed fast and within a few months he was back in school with Mark's help constantly coming over everyday giving him his homework that he missed and bringing stuff to help him get around.

So it's another year of high school gone and the gang is now in their junior year and thanks to Mark, Jack did stop getting picked on, turns out mark had a friend who was a lawyer who when and sued the families of the kids that were picking on him and the kids came close to going to jail; because they were molesting and beating Jack daily. Except that's not all they are excited about, remember when it was revealed that Jack could become pregnant and have children, well he had been keeping that from Mark as well from fear of him thinking Jack was a freak but it turned out Mark was ecstatic about that when he found out and they are now proudly awaiting the birth of three little babies and they are extremely happy about it and can't wait to be fathers. Now this is also the year Joannah and Seraphina get together along with Gabe and Angelica and they are extremely happy together.

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