Star demon mpreg

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we found out after over a month after a night of celebration passion and fun from defeating the crimson witch with the help of the Scooby doo group that I demon was pregnant. and its starchild's baby

it was Monday morning and I was throwing up and I managed to wake my beautiful cosmic boyfriend starchild.

"hun this has been going on for over a month now I think we need to get u checked out by a doctor" he says to me in his angel voice

"fine but were going to kissteria for a doctor not these messed up earth doctors" I manage to get out before puking again he shakes his head in agreement

within three hours were out and spaceman and catman decided to join because catman hasn't been felling well either so off we traveled and during the entire trip I puked 5 times but I felt bad for catman he had the worse version he couldn't stop throwing up so there we were in a spaceship heading to our planet with me, on the right in the backseat spaceman next to me, and catman next to him. each time I threw up spaceman was there rubbing my back since starchild was flying and he was rubbing catmans back in small circles as well.

10 light years later

spaceman POV

we finally made it to kissteria and I couldn't be happier that catman fell asleep from exhaustion he was in so much pain and him sleeping meant less pain and I hated seeing my husband in pain and I know starchild felt the same way about demon he told me so many times he told me that he wants to marry demon eventually and have kids with him. both of us know that demon and catman can have children so seeing as catman is showing the symptoms I am excited for the results.

I picked up cat man and starchild picked up demon and we walked them to the faith healer on our planet. half way through the walk demon woke up but said he was to weak to walk I could sense the terror in starchild as he said that and soon enough demon fell back to sleep

catman POV

".........and as you can see these are the four fetus" I heard the faith healer from our planet say I slowely woke up feeling magic course my body

"mmmmuggghhh........what happened" I open my eyes to see concerned eyes on me from the other three member

"whats going on and why is demon laying down looking like he is about to puke" I say and imidietly starchild looks at demon before he runs away in the forest puking starchild quick on his trail.

"cat hun ur pregnant hun were gonna have kids like you wanted" he says to me beaming with the biggest smile on his face.

"that's amazing hun I cant quads huh" I say with a smirk

"yeah I'm an overachiever what can I say" spaceman says with a laugh finishing the sentence

with demon and star child

demons POV

I run into the guitar shaped forest and puked two seconds later I felt warm hands on my back and turn around to see my boyfriend coming to comfort me and I start crying in his chest.

"whats wrong babe why are you crying aren't you happy that the four of us are going to have babies"

he says in his sweet tone

"of course I am but u remember what happened the last time I was pregnant I cant live that day down" i state breaking down in tears and on the edge of hyperventilating

"I know what happened was wrong babe and that luce tried to kill u and caused a miscarriage but I can assure you I will never ever do that to u and luce can never find you remember we killed him when he kidnapped you a year after, I was there for u then and I'm still here and will never leave" he reassured me and he hugged me till I could breath again

the ride home was calmer the faith healer known as zozo gave us nausea meds and doubled the dose for catman since he seemed worse with it. when we got home we all slept and within the next week me and starchild decided to sell our house so we moved in with catman and spaceman so we could keep an eye on each other.

three months later and starchilds POV

all was well lately demon is four months pregnant but with triplets he looks at least 7 months and even though catman is only 4 1/2 months he looks full term with quads I can see they will have him on bedrest at 8 months but on a more personal note demon is extremely horny being pregnant with triplets. he asks me for sex at least once a week and who am I to refuse the puppy dog black eyes when he gives them to me

Catmans POV

I was in my final month of pregnancy and I was told to take it easy but lately spaceman and starchild have been going on missions without me or demon cause they don't want us hurt so me and demon are stuck talking while there out and when my husband gets back and demons fiancé gets back they are hurt so we have to bandage them up (yes I said fiancé let me live bitches) starchild proposed to demon three months ago when they went on a date on our home planet as demon was staring at the third moon of kissteria starchild got down on one knee(demon is a softy when he wants to be) but today was different spaceman and starchild got back three hours ago from the store but demon was talking to me while they were out complaining of small pains in his stomach but he said those might just be Braxton micks contractions or as we call them magic pains they aren't as bad as normal Braxton hicks but the pain we lose from that we gain during labor.

demons POV

we were watching a movie when I screamed out in pain and held my stomach

"AAAHHHHHHH STARRY HELP ME AAAAHHH" and as soon as screamed catman screamed to when we were asked what was wrong and what hurt all me and him could say was

"BABIES AAAAAAAHHHHHHH" catman and I screamed in unison this wasn't uncommon a lot of people who are pregnant at the same time and know each other very well tend to go into labor at the exact same time

we were rushed to the hospital on kissteria but for catman it wasn't fast enough and by the time we got there we had both delivered one baby I gave birth to little James so far and catman had baby Lizzy

after an hour catman had two boys named matt and nick but one more baby to go and I had my perfect little girls jess and Angela and I was done (or so we thought

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream in unison with catman so loud you can hear me all the way from earth. starchild rushes over to me

"whats wrong hun" we all he said before I screamed again


"your doing good babe just a few more pushes and our baby will be here " he coaxes me to push

"AAAAAHHHHH" I scream in unison with catman and as I'm about to scream one final time I hear the words I wanted to hear

" one more push baby one more " I hear and push the last time

"AAAAAaahhhh" I let out as a final scream and both my baby boy Kyle and catmans baby boy jack were finally born but before I could see them I passed out and woke up three hours later and got to finally see my beautiful quadruplets and catman seemed happy and I couldn't be happier having my fiane by my side and seeing that my brother in rock was happy with his husband.

demon and starchild children





spaceman and catman children





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