George crabtree x henry higgins

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Im sorry but this tv show is one of my favs and the relationship these two have is almost brotherly but they do have there bromance moments

The year was 1898 and being part of lgbt was punishable by either death or prison sentence so people kept it lowkey most of the time but sometimes u just cant help it

The little glances were the start of it as the romance showed more and more it was harder to keep secret especially when in the company of the famous and mindful detective william henry murdoch so eventually they were found out but the only people who knew were the detective his wife Dr. julia ogden and the inspector thomas brackenreid but how far would the secret last when george has a secret only henry knows that secret being he was born a female


It was a brisk morning at station house number 4 but it has taken a turn for the worse. Henry and I went on our normal beat but in the middle of our rounds I stop sputter out the words "h-henry i think im gonna puke" I run into an alley and throw up in one of the trash bins

"George hun r u ok" henry whispers fearing we might be heard but also worrying about his lover

"Yes hen im perfectly fine it might have just been that shrimp from last night"  I whisper back falling into my lovers embrace

"Lets head back to the station house ill fix u a cup of tea while i ask the inspector if we can leave early and get u home and in bed" henry told me worried for my health. I only nod a response while slowly getting up

We arrive back at the station and while higgins is talking to the inspector julia shows up and sees how tired and pale i am

"George are you quite alright" she asks worried for her friend

"Yes doctor im perfectly fine just a little sick ill be fine"  I reassured the doctor after that she nods her head and walking off

Henrys POV

"Inspector?" I asks walking in to Thomas's office

"What is it higgins" the inspector questions

"Sir i wondered if it would be fine if george and i left early on our beat he ran into an alley way and started vomiting i dont think he should be working like this " i gestured out to george in the bullpen and he look pale and green and as if he was already falling asleep

"Alright just make aure he gets right as rain and take good care of him i know how much u love him" that comment alone made me smile as much as the inspector is annoying he was right i love george more than anything in this world and if i lost him i dont know what i would do.

"Yes sir thank you sir and will u please let the detective know" i asked politely knowing i will be stealing away the detectivs little helper. He just nodded and ushered me out the door after i help george get on his feet and help him back to our shared apartment

As soon as i got him back he fell asleep and i fell asleep cuddling him. I love him so much if i lose him i might die i cant afford to lose him i just cant

Time skip

Georges POV

It has now been two weeks and i have not stopped throwing up its only in the mornings tho which confuses me so i checked with dr ogden i told her of my true gender and she believes i may be pregnant now i just have to tell henry he hasnt been sleeping well lately he wakes up at night with nightmares and tells me he dreamt i died and he lost me forever and i love that he is scared of losing me but it scares me that i cant help much all i can do is be there to hug but i wanna do so much more. Although i decide to tell him about the pregnancy tonight its been an easy day so it shouldnt add onto anything bad

Time skip

"Hey hen can u come here please i need to tell u something" i ask as sweetly as i can

"Of course honey anything whats wrong" he asks worriedly

"You know how you always told me you have wanted a family right" i start saying and he nods "well u just might get your wish" i say as i start patting my stomach he tackles me on the bed and starts hugging me and kissing me eventually it turns into a full on makeout session


We start making out eventually we have all out clothes off and he is trailing kissing down my stomach to my neathers and at this moment i am a moaning mess as he is giving me a blow job

"Aaaaaahhhhh.....h-henry b-bloody t-tease just fuck me already p-please" i scream im so gonna hear this tomorrow from my neighbors. He slowely incerts his dick and I instantly start moaning again and as he finally finished pushing in he asks me

"Baby are you ok" he asks making sure im ok meanwhile im just nodding and wanting more after that he starts thrusting back and forth once again leaving me a moaning mess saying this like "more please more" or " faster hen faster"

Eventually we finish and we both come down feom our climaxes and laying next to him cuddled in his chest as we are both fading into sleep the last thing i say is
"I love you higgins more than life " and before i fall into what would be the best sleep ever since we have the next day off i hear my henry say
"I love you to honey and our little one to no matter what happens im here i will always be here" and with that we both fall asleep

Two days later at the station

"Detective, doctor can u please meet me and henry in the inspectors office" i ask as i walk into his office.

"Sirs close the door pls me and george have something to tell u and would rather it not get out" henry asks as murdoch closes the door as the inspector closes the other

"Henry, George what would you like to tell us" Murdoch asks with patience

"So you three are the only other people that know of my condition but we have yet another secret and thanks to doctor ogden this was brought to li" i stop mid sentence running to the closest garbage can throwing up henry hot on my trail and kneeling behind me running my back

"Breath george breath" he comforts me as i sit there puking

"George are you quite alright" All i can do is nod and wait till i finish puking as i lean back on my loving companion.

"As i was saying this is hard to say"

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