
565 9 16

Thanks to @GreekFreaks13 for the request

Cry's POV

Pewds had just gone into labor he wished for an at home birth so once he told me i called mark who was to help pewds through the whole thing having had a kid himself and jack came along for moral support and as wee speak i am setting up the birthing pool.

Pewds POV

I was in so much pain already but i was progressing fast according to mark so this would be kinda easy it was the giving birth to 4 kids thing that had me scared.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh figlio de puttana facia de merda culo" i shouted me and marzia were still friends and i had her teach me a little italian only cry seemed to know what i said and gave a little laugh. After an hour i was in the pool beginning to push

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" i scream as i push as mark tells me im doing an amazing job, jack had to move away because I literally broke his hand now only cry was near my side

" aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh  knulla dig gråta, du rör mig aldrig igen" i shouted in Swedish and jack started laughing hw knew a little Swedish enough to know what i said and after he finished laughing i gave one final push and baby nana was here now we have three left while i wait for the next contraction i think back to how shocked cry was when i told him i was pregnant


I had just gotten back from the hospital i went for a simple stomach bug check but what i came home with was pure confusion i was told i was pregnant with quadruplets now all thats left is to tell cry and home he doesnt leave me like ken did years ago, as im so deep in thought im brought out when i hear the door open and my head springs to the door

"Babe im home" i hear him call and he he turns into the living room.

"Hey bear i have some news for u but please dont get mad" i tell him while silently praying he doesnt leave me

"Sure whats wrong" he says with a worried expression on his face sitting us both down on the couch seeing as i looked like i would pass out

"I just dont want u leaving me like ken did" i try to drop the hint but he doesnt catch on 'shit cry why are you so stupid '

"I would never leave u babe whats wrong" he says the worry in his eyes being heightened

"" i stagger to say but manage to get out none the less cry looked shocked and passes out but as time seems to slow he passes out and hits his head against the coffee table and hurts his head i call an ambulance cause of how deep the gash is and after an hour we make it to a room as they stitch him up temporarily he has to go for surgery since he cracked his skull and the peices can rupture his brain

*Timeskip* three hours

Cry got out of surgery an hour ago and hast woken up but i get taken out of my trance when i hear him groan he woke up and asked what happened i told him everything including he would have to be stuck in the hospital for a week. He was NOT happy but i told him about him being a dad again after he got out and he picked me up and spun me around i dont think i have ever seen him that happy.

Back to real life

I come back to reality when i feel another contraction I have nana taken away to her crib and jack puts her to sleep mark picked a keeper jack knows alot about kids and can get the to sleep so quick it ain't funny, i start to push and mary comes alot quicker than the first after two pushes her heads already out one more bother shoulder made it out and then one final push gets her out and after another hour we have our final two girls Harley and cleo

Nana Kjellberg
Mary Kjellberg
Harley Kjellberg and finally
Cleo Kjellberg

(Sorry i couldnt find crys last name)

Thanks for the request it was fun and i honestly thought it would take longer

Angie 🍕🍀🎧

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