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"It's ok Nate just take it easy...that's it just breath, alright, the nurse told me it was alright to come in, that you were stable enough that I cant get sick. I'm ok Nathan and I'm not leaving your side". That was thing I could say before he fell asleep.

This story is going to be kind of long you might wanna get comfy

Nate's POV

I woke up in a very bright room not sure where I was or why I was there. I look to my right and see Matthew sitting in a chair by my side sound asleep but he wakes up as soon as I make an effort to move.

"hey babe how do u feel" he asked me but as soon as I look at him to answer I get lost in those beautiful eyes forgetting that he asked me a question but not long after I get lost in those eyes I notice they are filled to the brim with fear and worry and there are tear stains leaking down his cheeks so naturally I respond back saying "I feel fine Matthew what's wrong" I ask worried for not just my health but mostly his because I know if his health is in jeopardy so are the babies.

"Nate I'm fine I just was really worried about you, when we were having the ultra sound it was traumatizing to see you start coughing like that and then see BLOOD I mean you know I react around blood normally but to see it coming from u terrified me even more, one of the nurses were trying to calm me down cause I was 2 seconds away from a panic attack. They told if she hadn't helped me our babies might have made it at all" by this time Matthew was crying uncontrollably and I was doing my best to calm him down.

"Hey Matthew I'm not leaving you guys I'm gonna make sure I don't and even if I do, just remember I'm never truly gone I'm always around whether in spirit or flesh ill be here for you guys I promise" after that he finally stopped crying and managed to calm down and we spent the rest of the day talking about what happened and just random stuff not really sure what to do, Matthew also went o get food from the café in the hospital and spent the night since I was hopefully going to be released the next since I was doing a lot better so they detached at least 13 of the machines they had connected to me so all I had connected was an iv tube and blood transfusion so they weren't to bad


Matthew's POV

So we were discharged from the hospital and we were told that Nathan has to take certain pills for the remaining pneumonia, that he can't drive for a week, and that he should rest as much as possible for the next week. Obviously he wasn't happy with that especially the pills and rest. Nate is the kind of guy that wants to do everything himself and if he sees you doing g something he wants to help no matter if it is the simplest task he will want to help so he really didn't enjoy that but he did it for today so I have faith that he will be able to do it for the rest of the week and he did but that was four months ago and he has definitely gone back to being the Nathan I fell in love with  but as I got closer and closer to my due date he wanted to help with everything did even if I was just pouring a glass of milk and I don't blame him, I mean it is getting harder for me to things but come on I think I can a lousy fucking glass of milk by myself but I have to say I love seeing him always wanting to help and make sure I'm comfortable.

"hey Nate can you come here" I shout through the, but I am quickly surprised when he doesn't answer so naturally I shout again "he Nate can you please come here....Nate?" I shout but yet again no answer so I decide to go up to his recording room to look for him there. I get right outside of the room and hear they he is starting a video and this is what I hear.

"hey guys I'm natewantstobattle for those of you who didn't already know hah so I have been kind of confused about my feelings lately and I have been meaning to record music covers for these five different songs for a while now but never got the chance to so I hope you enjoy and hopefully this helps me get back into the mood of being a father since I announced that me and matpat or Matthew were in fact a thing and that we are expecting four new members of the family plus I am singing these songs because they represent how I felt before, during and after I met Matthew and the first one will describe what my life felt like before I met him then the next will describe how I felt when I confessed to him how much I loved him and still love him. You'll see the order of them when I post the video so Matthew honey this is for you when u see it I hope you enjoy(I heard that before he started recording and wanted to cry from happiness but why was he recording them and his emotions seemed stable recently so I decided to continue listening see if I can figure it out)ok so the first song I want to record is called "your missin it" by Jason Walker and I decided to use this song first because before I met Matthew I was so mentally and emotionally unstable because my whole family died in a plane crash and I didn't know where to go. I was 19 at the time so I got a job and paid the bills for the house that I shared with them before but I never got passed it until I met him so here goes nothing

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