Omg natepat mpreg/disease Fanfic

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Special thanks to luckycloud148 for the suggestion btw i always wanted to do a natepat mpreg story but im not good at starting storys so we are gonna jump staight to matpats fourth month of pregnancy

Special thanks to luckycloud148 for the suggestion btw i always wanted to do a natepat mpreg story but im not good at starting storys so we are gonna jump staight to matpats fourth month of pregnancy

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So matthew is four months pregnant with quads two boys and two girls and since his stomach is getting bigger its hard for him to do stuff but not impossible. As for nathan he wants to help his husband with anything he can even the simplest thing like pouring a glass of milk or making something to eat but the problem is nathan doesnt see that its stressing matt out. I mean yes nathan is only trying to help but matt is trying to get nathan to rest because about two days before when they went to check the babys genders nate started coughing uncontrollably out of nowhere and he could not stop

"M-mat-thew p-ple-ase h-elp" nate said between coughs or atleast tried to muster saying. The nurses all rushed to nate except for one who was taking care of matt at the time who was close to having a panic attack because not only was his husband nathan coughing but when he coughed what also managed to come up was blood and saying matt was scared was an understatement cause he was down right terrified that he might lose his husband.

Time skip just cause i dont wanna get to wrapped up in that part (so basically they rushed nate to be check to find out what was wrong and ina way matthews worst nightmare started becoming real because when a nurse gave him an update she said something indeed was wrong with him but to matts relief it wasnt life threatening but they were a nasty pair so back to the couple)

"He has what" matt says truing not to burst out in tears.

"We arent sure if its a new disease or just a combination of two treatable ones we are still doing test but it seem that ur husband has a combination of pneumonia and stage 1 lung cancer but thankfully for him the cancer revealed itself at a perfect time or else we would have a harder time curing the cancer but after a few treatments he should be fine the blood was mostly from the pneumonia so as long as he can get better from that he should be back in no time" the nurse explained very calmly.

"Can i go see him for a bit, i just wanna try and help him a bit please" matt begged to see his husband lucky for him he didnt have to do much of it.(she said yes)

Another time skip into nathans hospital room

Matpats POV

I walk into his room very quiet not wanting to wake him up but what i saw scared me he was hooked up to 15 different machines and it seemed like 10 of them were just monitoring the pneumonia

"mat, honey u shouldnt be here its not safe for the babies or u" he said as he coughed or hacked between each word i felt really bad for him

"😥its ok nate just take it easy... Thats it just breath alright the nurse told me it was alright to come in that u were stable enough that i cant get sick 💖💖💖im here ok nathan and im not leaving ur side" was the last thing i could say before he fell asleep.


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