tythan mpreg

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tylers POV

I heard ethan moaning from his room then all of a sudden I hear him scream "TYLER, STOP, PLEASE STOP," I rush into his room fearing he might be hurt and as I get in he wakes up and blushes when I see him I sit there for half an hour listening to him explain his dream even if he felt uncomfortable explaining it I knew it would make him feel better

ethans POV

"and that's what happened and to be honest I kind of wanna have it happen again but in real life" (btw his dream was about sex with tyler) after I was done explaining he lays me back on the bed after taking off my clothes he took off his next and I saw his big member my first thought was "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" naturally I texted mark and everyone else in the house to not worry about any loud noises coming from my room and to leave my room alone till the noises stop naturally mark replied back with " u go man" and ask I got that message tyler started to crawl ontop of me and very carefully and slowely inserted his member into me I explained to him that I could get pregnant and that he should wear a condom but all he replied was "i know u can get pregnant that's why I'm doing this I love you ethan and I will love the baby or babies we create tonight and none of that will ever change I love u that is y I'm giving you this gift" I felt like I fell in love with him all over again and I cant wait until this process is over so we can get on to raising our children together even if we aren't married yet he inserted his member into me the rest of the way and began thrusting in and out in and out it hurt at the beginning and as soon as he began doing it faster it almost felt pleasurable and I loved the feeling "AAAAHHHH T-T-TYL-E-ER I L-LOVE-E Y-YOU T-TO AAAAAAAHHHHH" he kept thrusting and it felt heavenly

(skip to the next morning )

ethans POV (again)

I woke up the next morning feeling sick I jumped up to run to the bathroom with a worried tyler right on my trail and i reach the toilet I start puking and tyler catches up to me while rubbing soft circles in between my shoulder blades as I retch. once I finish I blur my speech saying I think we succeeded " as we both laughed

(skip to four month check up )

tylers POV

we r in the doctors office waiting for the sonogram to find out how many we were having and to check the genders when our doctor come in and after about 5 minutes she tells us he is pregnant with quads and we have two girls and two boys we decided on the names selena and Hannah for girls and ethan jr and mark for the boys

(skip to 40th week mark)

ethans POV

" AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH TYLER HELP" were the only things I could say as pain seared down my body he rushes in asking me whats wrong with mark and jack on his trail and I explain what happened but by the time they try to rush me outta the house we don't have time to get to the hospital and 5 minutes later in 9 centimeters dilated on the couch as I start to push my foot slips and hits jack in the stomach as he was the one holding back my legs but he seemed fine at first i start pushing and mark tells me the first ones head was crowning "ok ethan I need u to push" "AAAAAHHHHH" I push for ten seconds as mark instructs this continued for 10 minutes then we had our first girl Hannah scheid

"ok ethan the second is crowning now so give me a strong push" mark instructed

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" I push with as much might as I can

"ok babe your doing awesome take a break for a sec " tyler tells me as I take his advice

"ok the shoulder are stuck a little so for the mean time just pant the shoulder out so u don't tear

after 5 minutes we had ethan scheid jr then another hour and we had the other two selena and mark scheid but it wasn't over no one noticed that jack had been wincing in pain this entire time until he screamed out in pain

marks POV

I had just finished helping ethan give birth to his four miracles I heard jack scream and I rush over to him

"JACK BABE WHATS WRONG " I scream in a worried tone

"PRESSURE PRESSURE DOWN THERE" he states as he points down to his belly and lower half I just tell him to take off his pants while I help him to see a new born baby head already out

"ok babe keep calm but know were having a baby and as I can feel were having twins " I say as I feel his stomach after half an hour we had two boys in our life Edward fischbach and William fischbach

septiplier babies

Edward joseph fischbach

William mark fishbach

tythan babies

Hannah rose scheid

ethan mark scheid jr

selena marie scheid

mark daniell scheid

there you go finally done and I have been up since three o'clock writing this and I'm not even tired but tbh I hope you all are happy with this when I write things I put my heart and soul into what I write even if my parents think its a complete waste of time i still do it ause I love yall and I cant just leave you hanging and not write shit but I find peace in writing when I feel sad I write truth is you guys make me happy

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