Part 2

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"As I was saying I......I'm.......god this is so hard to say"I try to get out before I lose my never

"Bloody hell Crabtree get it out" he pushes

"SIR it's ok hun take your time" he says to me calmly I love him for that so much

"I'm pregnant" I say and cover my face expecting to be yelled at Henry noticing my flinch pulled me in for a hug to calm me down Julia already knew so I was scared more so of the two men who didn't know

"Congratulations the both of you" I hear before I pass out

Henry's POV

WE got both murdochs and inspectors congratulations and then I fell George go limp I start panicking
"Doctor he passed out OH MY GOD HE PASSED OUT" i remember the inspector having to pull me away so that dr Ogden could check on him when she said he passed out from exertion I picked him up layed him on the couch in the inspectors office and didn't leave his side till he woke up.

"George please wake up please" i continue repeating this till he woke up i gave him some time to get up and i brought everyone in again it was my times for a surprise.

"George look at me hun, you make me the happiest person in the world and i cant believe that i am actually having a family with u i always thought i would marry ruth but she only played me but you george you have been nothing but good to me so i ask" i got down on one knee and pulled the box out "will you marry me george" i say with hope and joy in my eyes

"Yes, yes, a million times yes" he says with so much joy as we hear the detective, inspector, and julia all shout in joy meanwhile george runs up to me hops up and i just hold him while we make out we had way more fun that night mainly cause i let george top but what was about to happen i didnt know could happen

Month four of pregnancy

"Henry hunny come fell the baby is kicking" I say in the station house by now everyone there knew it would have been hard to hid eventually and after the incident of the inspector telling the mayor and making it clear that if anyone were to rat on my they would get beaten up worse that the pigs they had for dinner in Yorkshire everyone stopped harassing me. Eventually Henry came over and felt but he had to walk away cause since I am in a special condition if I leave the station I was told I must have a constable follow me around so if something happens I have someone to help so my jobs are now more of visiting the coroners office down the street and anything at the station but I am not allowed to handle the prisoners thanks to Henry expression of not wanting me hurt or threatened

8 1/2 months (only because its 3:19 am and I'm tired)

We were having a calm day at the station but half way into the day I started feeling pains I sat in my chair gripping my stomach and gave a light hiss and my fiancé looked over at me

"Hunny bunny are you ok" he asked running over to me kneeling down and gripping my hand in his I shake my head and all I can say is

"It hurts" and as soon as I say that he gets worried

"What hurts hun are the babies coming" we found out when I turned 5 months we were having twins

"I don't know get Julia please aaahh" I start light.y screaming the pain is getting worse I see Higgins run into the detectives office and run back out with Julia after she confirms I'm going into labor she says this

"We can't get him to the hospital in Time he has to give birth here"

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH JUST HELP ME PLEASE" as I say that I see constables leave and head for the cells to grab the fabrics or anything off the cell beds and start laying them down on the floor as one calls an ambulance but knowing the weather it won't arrive soon. After all the beds are down Higgins and the inspector help me down on the floor and as Julia instructs Murdoch and the inspector on what to retrieve Henry kneels down behind me and lays my head on his chest while my back is on his knees and he is holding both my hands all of a sudden I get an excruciating pain and as water leaves my body I let out the loudest scream I have In my life

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOMEONE FUCKING DO SOMETHING " everyone froze for a second mainly because I never curse some had worried faces others had terrified looks but they doubled there speed and within 5 minutes I was pushing

"Ok George I need you to push" I do as she says and I start to feel burning pain knowing that the feeling is my first baby coming into the world and after half an hour of pushing we have out daughter julia rose Higgins and another hour we had our son William Higgins but what scared me the most was on my last push I slammed my head into Henry's stomach and I felt bad for doing it already but when he started screaming I knew something was wrong.

"Doctor please check him please" my voice getting more and more frantic the inspector takes Henry's place as the detective has my children and puts them in cots we had for them in his office but then the most devastating news came to light. You see I knew something was wrong with my Henry but every time I asked him about it he told me to leave it alone so I left it cause I didn't wanna lose him but the doctor confirmed my suspicions, Henry was pregnant and was having our third child.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH GEORGE HELP" he starts screaming and i feel usless cause i cant take his pain i crawl over to him take his hand and whisper sweet things into his ear helpint him breath.

"Its ok henny just breath, breath with me ok" i say and he does as i say and breaths between each breath

So after 2 1/2 hours of me and Henry laying side by side and me comforting him the entire way he had our final son Jackson Higgins after our fallen constable who died nobely to save both mine and higgins lives when I was only 2 month into my pregnancy if it wasn't for him I would have lost Henry and all three of our kids

I love the family i have and in the coming year we may even have more

I hope you all liked it I wished it could have been only one chapter but my iPad wanted to freak out and not let me use the bold italics and underline for the inspectors lines half the time so I had to separate it but I got it done and now it is 3:45 am here so good night every one

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