Chapter Twelve|Gorleston

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(Edited ! Feel free to read) ~Song of the chapter -Heathens by Twenty One Pilots bc I love them.

I was running late in the morning. This was the result of staying up all night to finish off the book I was reading on the Wattpad App (A/N we all know those nights, don't we ?;). There was no time to take a shower or have breakfast for that matter. Mom had already left at 5 am for work, leaving me to sleep for another hour. The nice gesture didn't help me whatsoever. Throwing on some random jeans and a basic white shirt, I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth before I rushed out of the house. As I reached my car, I realized that I had forgotten the keys inside. Turning back to head to our house, I rummaged in my backpack trying to find the keys to our house. But with no success.

"For real" I muttered under my breath as I stopped walking and searched for my keys in a hopeless attempt. But with no luck. I had forgotten both of my keys inside. Both of them.

"No, no, no, no" I said to myself as I slapped a hand on my forehead. How stupid did one have to be to forget to take their keys ? Huffing to myself, I pulled out my phone to give Nathan a call. Hoping that he could pick me up, I dialled his number. After the fifth ring he eventually picked up.

"Good morning sunshine" I heard his cheery voice.

"Nathan can you please come pick me up ?" I asked straight away, feeling bad afterwards but I really did have no time left.

"Sure, where you at ?" he wanted to know. Heaving a sigh of relief, I thanked God for being blessed with such good friends.

"I am at home but I will walk up the street, so you can pick me up at the crossing" I told him, as I made my way there.

"Alright, will be there in five" he responded before I thanked him and hung up. He didn't even question why he had to pick me up. He just agreed straight away. That's what I call true friends.

Nathan was there in no time. Grace was also in the car.

"Good morning babe" Grace greeted me as soon as I got into the car.

"Morning you two" I said, "Thanks again Nathan, you're my saviour."

"No worries" he said and drove off.

"Did your mom take your car again ?" Grace asked me, knowing that my mom did that quite a lot.

"No" I replied, "I forgot my keys inside. Both of them." And that was enough to make them both start laughing.

"Are you for real ?" Nathan choked out in between his laughter. Playfully rolling my eyes at them, I hushed them.

"I was running late" I defended myself.

"Anyway, tell me about your evening with the devil herself" Grace then said and I began to tell her.

As I told Grace all about my eventful evening with Ashley, she was beyond surprised. I couldn't really blame her. Ashley just wasn't the type of girl who was nice. Especially to me for some unknown reason. We discussed the whole situation and Grace concluded that she must have been on drugs. I did not try to tell her that she was being ridiculous because I knew that she was aware of that herself. As soon as Nathan halted the car, I opened the door and practically started running without bothering to shut the door. I yelled out a "thanks again" and stormed to the building. I was already 10 minutes late to class. Nathan and Grace did not have a class to attend in the morning like me so they had plenty of time.


Two classes later I made my way to my locker to put away some of my books. My backpack was way too heavy and I didn't feel like carrying it around all day long. Once I reached my locker, I unlocked it with ease. Putting my books inside, I had a look at my timetable that I had put up in my locker. That was pretty much the only thing that decorated the metal walls of my baby blue locker. When I was done, I shut my locker and turned around. Only to see a certain someone.

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