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your daughter kind of loves it when:

she wakes up with angry red streaks on her face from the seams on the backseat of the leather car seats and she smiles a crooked-toothed smile and she begs for ice cream and a new doll for st. patrick's day because every holiday is a scream of joy for her and her pile of toys at home in the closet.

your daughter kind of loves it when:

you surprise her with a new ruby dress and fancy ballet shoes for the performance coming up that saturday and she laughs and jumps and hugs and she twirls in the dress, the skirt flying up and the cat meows and sleeps some and she kisses you on the check and asks what's for dinner.

your daughter kind of loves it when:

you come home early from your night shift and she was waiting up for you the entire time and she smiles but it has an edge to it but at least she smiles and you do too and she tells you about her day and about the boy she thinks she is going to give her heart to and then she asks how you are and you hold back on the truths and sugarcoat it instead.

your daughter kind of loves it when:

she comes home from school and sees lunch and a note written on a yellow post-it on the dinner table and she picks it up and smiles and it's true and she eats the food with vigor and she adores every last bite and when you come home to her asleep on the couch you realize that she ate the spinach too.

your daughter kind of loves it when:

she comes home from work and kisses you on the cheek and she takes a peek at the bills and she vows to work harder and she cooks up a mean lasagna and you give her a tired smile and she disrupts the creamy white of your plate to give you a hefty portion and you thank her.

your daughter kind of loves it when:

she finally has enough green bills in the bank to pay for a bigger, better house that doesn't have a broken porch or rotten wood or plaster peeling from the walls and the ceiling and she helps you move in with her and she loves the smile - no, grin, that you send her way and her heart lurches but in a good way.

and your daughter kind of loves it when:

you tell her that she is a good daughter. the best.


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