boot camp part 2

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Hey guys first thing is i will try my best to make this chapter a bit longer

2. i didn't watch the x factor in 2010 so i dont know what niall singed for boot camp so im just gonna wing it so basically i will make it up.

so i hope you will in joy and dont be afraid to help me out with the book give me some idea's


Jess POV

I'm backstage with niall waiting for him to go on "niall its time for you to go on the stage now" one of the producer said. Niall turned to me "i don't know if i can do this" niall said with tears going down his face. I leaned in and given him a good luck kiss "your gonna do fine" i said and wiped away his tears "if you get nerves just pretend that the judges are me" I said and he nods and walks to the stage.

I know what I can do to help Niall to not be so nerves. I left the backstage, I tip-toad to the theatre and opened the door quietly and sat down in one of the far chairs.

( I'm just skipping the beginning of boot camp so just pretend that it's the last of boot camp)

"Niall Horan it's your turn"

I saw Niall walking out on to the stage.

Once he saw me he started to smile.

"Niall what are you smiling at?" Simon asked him.

When he started to turn around I ducked behind the seat. " Harry styles can you go see who's back there for me please" I'm taking a guess that the Harry dude is coming cuz you can hear foot steps.

I gotta hid some where so I started to crawl. But since I have bad luck so lets just say I crawled into a wall. Well I'm in deep deep deep shit.

I turned around to see a curly hair and green eyes guy I'm taking a guess that this must be Harry. I mouthed to Harry to not give me away Niall is my boyfriend. He winked at me and left

"Simon no one is back there" thank goodness.

"Okay well anyways, Niall you may start" Simon said and I got back in my seat. Niall nodded and started singing.




You know you love me

I know you care.

Just shout whenever,

And I'll be there.

You want my love,

You want my heart,

And we will never

Ever ever be apart.

Are we an item?

Girl quit playin',

We're just friends,

What are you saying?

Said there's another,

And looked right in my eyes,

My first love broke my heart

For the first time,

And I was like,

Baby, baby, baby (ohh)

Like baby, baby, baby (ohh)

Like baby, baby, baby (ohh)

I wish you'd always be mine

Baby, baby, baby (ohh)

Like baby, baby, baby (ohh)

Like baby, baby, baby (ohh)

I wish you'd always be mine.

When Simon rises his hand to tell Niall to stop, Niall stopped and left the stage and I quickly got out before I get seen.

I saw Niall and I ran into his arms "you did amazayn" I said and he gives me a kiss on the lips.

"Thanks babe" we started making out in the middle of the lobby until I heard a voice "ewww go get a room guys" I saw Harry standing there. Mine and Niall's cheeks turned to a hot pink.

"Hey Harry thanks for not giving me away" I said and Niall nodded to say thanks as well "no problem" he said and left to go out.

I whispers in Niall's ears " we should invite Harry to go out for dinner" I said and Niall frowned "but it's suppose to be only us though" I held Niall's Hands "come on Niall he didn't get me in trouble" I said Niall let out a big sigh"okay I guess it's fine" I ran out the doors to see Harry walking.

"Harry wait!" I yelled a cross the parking lot which I got a lot of dirty looks. "what is a girl not aloud to call a friends name a cross the fucken parking lot" I yelled at everyone and made them jump it was really funny.

"Hey what's up?" Harry asked us " well we were wondering if you would like to join us for dinner for a thank you?" I asked him and give him the puppy face "oh oh okay" he said.

"Well then what are we waiting for!" I ran to Niall's car as fast as I can but guess who won this race, yup Niall won.

"So where are we going" Harry asked "we are going to nando's Niall's favourite place" Niall clapped his hands like a 5 year old I giggled at his childness.

When we got there we went inside and sat down in a booth.

" hello what would like today?" the waitress asked us "um I will have the spicy chicken with rice please" she rights down my order into her note book.

"Okay what about you two" she asked the two boys " um we will have the same as her please" they both said

She nods her head and left us "so Harry how was you performance?" Niall asked.

"Well I think it went well, I just hope that I make it threw" Harry said then took a drink.

After a few mins our food comes to the table. when Niall saw his, his eyes went so big it was so niable ( haha see what I did there I put Niall and adorable together)

When we were finished our food Harry left to go back to his hotel "bye guys thanks for having me" we both waved and watched Harry leave. "well we better get going Jess tomorrow is the big night" Niall said and tangled his hands in mine.

When we got home Niall went to bed and I was watching TV for a bit.

"Haha oh Sheldon for someone that is smart oh shit" I said between laughs.

After the Big Bang theory was over I went to the kitchen to grabbed a glass of water.

Then I headed up stares to my room to go to bed. But when I got there Niall took the hole fucken bed like he was in star pose. I didn't care I just moved his leg carefully so that I don't wake him up.

I snuggled next to him but before I fell asleep I give him a goodnight kiss. After I was done kissing his lips Niall open his eyes.

"Goodnight Jess" he said when his eyes closed, I just smiled at his cuteness then fell asleep .


Hey guys here is part 2 of boot camp

I hope you guys like this one. And if it's not long enough then I'm sorry I tried so hard.



Bye my little jays 🙊😽

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