My new best friend

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A year after the XFactor.

Me and the guys are sitting in the living room watching a movie and guess what it is, yup you got its fucken toy story. Liam was sitting the couch wearing a buzz lighter costum and jumping on the couch like a 3 year old

" Liam calm down it's just toy story!" I said with a smile on my face, Liam looked at me and gave me a death glare " you can never dis toy story " Liam said with a pout. I just giggled at him and got up "Jess where are you going?" Niall asked me with a confused look on his face.

"I'm just gonna go to starbucks for a bit i will be back in a hour" i said and walked out the door and got in the car. I turned on the radio and my favoit song came on, Say Something by austin mahon i started to sing with him.

once I got to starbucks i got out of my car and locked it. i walked in and went to get my order " hi may i please get a french vinalla" i asked politly and she walks of to get my order. i recevied my drink and headed to a booth". i took a sip of it and looked up to see a girl about my age coming tawords me.

"hi are you niall horans girlfriend?" she asked me i nodded at her she had blond wavey hair with brown tips, she also had blue eyes.

We were talking for a while then I realize that I don't know her name.

" so what's your name?" I asked her "my name is Katie but you can call me kat" she said with a smile on her face and offers me her hand I gladly took it.

" My name is Jessika but you can call me Jess or Jessie " I said back to her "did you wanna come to my place?" I asked and got up to throw my cup away. Katie jumps in the air and clapped her hands. " I would love to come over" we both started doing our happy dance until a old people came up to us and slapped us with there bags haha.

We headed to my car and drove to my house. On the way to my place we were 'singing' to Hold us up by mackle more and we tyres to do the rapping part but failed haha.

"Oh that was to funny" I said between laughs we walked in the house and it was empty "did you want a snack?" I asked Katie nodded and I walked to the kitchen.

I went into the fridge to grab two cans of root beer. when I closed it I saw a note.

Dear Jess

Me and the lads have a meeting with Simon we will be home a soon as I can

Love you a lot.

From your best boyfriend Niall

I smiled at the latter I put it down and walked into the living room .

" hey did you wanna watch a movie" I asked Katie and she nodded and looked back at me "what should we watch?" She asked me " why don't you choose and I will get some more snacks.

I ran back to the kitchen to make some popcorn, grabbed a couple of bags of chips, two chocolate bars, Oreos and milk. "man were gonna be so sick after this" I said to myself but I shrugged it off and brought the stuff back to the living room.

"Oh wait I forgot the popcorn!" I said and ran back to the kitchen but I ended up running into a wall. "Ow!" I said it loudly that Katie came to the kitchen.

When she saw me on the floor by the wall, she fell to the ground laughing I started to laugh with her.

This chick is awesome it's like I can trust her. After our laughing fit we heard the front door open to reveal 5 boys.

"NIALL!" I shouted and ran into his arms "hey babe how is it going" he asked me and pulled a part. He looked up and saw Katie standing there awkwardly.

"Who's this?" Niall asked me " oh um this is Katie I met her at Starbucks" I said I looked at Harry who was checking her out.

"Awe does Harry think that Katie is cute" I said in a baby voice Harry's and Katie's cheeks turned to a deep red. I couldn't help but giggle at the two of them.

" so what were you two ladies doing?" Louis asked us both, "oh we're just watching a movie" I said to Louis "did you guys wanna join?" I asked them all and they all nodded " but can we watch toy story please" Liam asked.

"No Liam no more toy story" I said to Liam. I looked over to Katie and she had a confused look on her face.

"Why can't we watch toy story?" Katie whispers to me " I will tell you later" I whispers back to her she shrugged it off and went to sit down.

I sat down beside Niall and Katie and Harry on the other side of Katie.

We've we're watching the titanic it was so sad that I was crying into Niall shoulders. "Shhh it's okay shhh" Niall said conferring me.

I looked up to see that Katie was crying into Harry's shoulders.

"Don't let go Johnny" Louis said with tears going down his cheek. " Louis are you crying?" I asked him with a bit of giggles. "Phew no it's just that zayn stinks so bad that it's stinging my eyes" he said and I started laughing.

"Hey I'm sitting right here!" Zayn said with a pout which just made me laugh even more. " Hey we all should have a sleep over down here" I said and gave them my puppy dog face.

"Okay" they all said "I just gotta let my mom know that I'm staying here" Katie said and texted her mom.

A few hours later Katie's phone went off "my mom said that I could stay" she said with a squeal I laughed at her

"Okay let's head up stares to get some stuff" I said and they all got up and ran up stares to grab my blanket and pillows. But before Katie and I left the room we got on some pjs. "here you can borrow a pair of my pjs" I said to Katie.

When we finished getting ready we ran down stares with the stuff and placed it on the floor.

Few hours later

We were in a circle playing truth or dare. "zayn truth or dare" Louis asked zayn "umm dare" zayn said un shire Louis gave a huge grin at zayn,

"Okay I dare you to run down the street shirtless and only I'm your boxers and scream out minniyak" zayn nodded and took off everything except his boxers.

Zayn ran down the street screaming out minniyak and he got yelled at by a lot of people. I fell down to the ground and stared laughing.

Once we got inside I let out a big yawn "are you tired?" Niall asked me and I nodded my head. we all headed to the living room and lied down.

I snuggled into Niall's chest while sleep was taking over me.


I hope that this was a better chapter thanks guys

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