The big announcement and bad news

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What's Niall trying to say? I asked to my self. Everyone in the restaurant stopped eating and looked at me and Niall, Niall turned towards me " Jessika I new you ever since we were born and I started falling for you ever since and you make me like a different person, and when I said I love you I actually meant it Jessika you are my best friend and I can never live another day without you being by my side. I was crying not because I was sad it was tears of happiness.

Niall kneels on one knee and holds out a box with a beautiful ring " Jessika would you marry me?" Niall asked me I was speechless but I said "yes yes I will marry you Niall" Niall smiled at my response and placed the ring on my finger.

Then I jumped into Niall's arms and kissed him. Everyone that was watching us clapped and cheered for us " lets go home Baby girl" Niall said and winked at the same time "okay but... Can you carry me please?" I asked Niall with a puppy face " of corse anything for my girl" he said then picked me up bridle style and headed to the car.

On the way home I was admiring the ring that's on my finger that my best friend gave me, and now I'm going to be his wife I couldn't help it but just smile about it.

"What's with the smile my love?" Niall asked me "oh nothing just thinking" I said and held his hand in mine " I love you" Niall said "I love you too" I said and kissed his cheek. When we got home I ran inside the house and screaming in excitement " AHHHH" Louis came into the room and screaming with me "AHHH! WHY ARE WE SCREAMING!?" Louis asked me I showed him my finger that haves the ring "he reposed to you" he said to me and hugged me "well I'm happy for you both!" Louis shouted "thanks Louis" I said with a smile.

After I told Louis, Niall came in from the front door "hey everyone did you want to watch a movie!?" I shouted through the house and everybody came running down the stairs, well Harry fell down the stairs "OUCH son of a cheese burger" the three of them ran to Harry to see if he's okay while I was on the laughing "hahaha very funny" Harry said sarcastically.

We all were sitting on the couch watching toy story once again "I'm gonna go to the store for a bit" Niall said I got up and gave him a bye kiss "ewww guys get a room" Louis said while covering his eyes " oh shut up" I said to Louis and I laughed because he gave me some sassy "OH GIRL YOU DON'T TELL ME TO SHUT UP" he said "oh but I just did" I said and smiled at him "oh shit!" All of the other guys said at the same time.

Niall's Pov

I was on my way to the store and I was singing songs that played on the radio. All I was thinking about was Jessika I can't get her off my mind.

Once I got to the store I got some stuff for me and Jessika, I got me a bag of chips and pop then I got Jessika her favourite candy skittles with some chocolate milk.

Then I thought about getting something for Bella too, so I went to the candy section again and got her a hearsay bar and a drink of chocolate milk too.

I really do like Bella as a daughter she's just so sweet and funny and I am happy to call her my daughter, even the other guys love her they all spoils her.

I finally went out to my car and started it, then started my way home.

The red light turned green so I was driving the right speed until something hit me.

I was sitting in my car wondering what happen, but my eyes started to get heavier and dark and that's all that I can remember...

Jessika Pov

I was making dinner for everyone I was getting worried about Niall he should've been home by now.

"Hey mommy when's daddy going to be back?" Bella asked me, I bent down to her level and looked into her eyes "I don't know love I hope soon" I said in a worried tone.

After a few mins the phone ringed. I ran towards the phone answered it "Hello?" I asked "Hi is this mrs.horan?" He asked me "yes why?" I asked "this is the hospital calling for Niall horan, he got into a car accident" the doctor said.

I dropped the phone and fell on my knees and started crying. All of the guys heard me and came running towards me "Jessika what's wrong?" Liam sat down beside me "Niall i-ss a-tt thh-the" "shh jessika calm down, so what's wrong with Niall?" Liam asked confused " Niall is at the hospital" I said to them all, they all has sad faces.

"What why?" Zayn asked "he got into a car accident" I said to them and started to cry again "shhhh go get Bella and we will go to the hospital right away" Harry said I nodded and got and walked up the stares and walked into mine and Niall's room to find a sleeping Bella.

Picked her up without waking Bella up. I walked down the stares and headed out the door to find they guys waiting for us. I put Bella in the car seat that's next to Louis and I sat in the front with Liam " everything is going to be okay" Liam says trying to comfort me but it wasn't working "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!" I yelled at him then realized for what I did "oh my goodness Liam I'm so sorry" I said and putting my face into my hands "it's okay Jess your just worried that's all" he said.

We all finally arrived to the hospital. I ran inside and went to the counter and asked the women what Niall's room is "his room is 220" she said I said thank you and headed to the elevator and pushed the second floor and waited for the doors to open.

The doors open so I got out and was looking for Niall's room "218,220 ha here it is" I said and I went to the window but I saw the curtains closed so I'm guessing the doctor is in the room.

So I found a chair that's in front of his door and sat down and waited. The other guys came up the stares with Bella in Louis arms still sleeping.

We all sat down until the doctor came out "are you mrs.horan?" He asked me quietly "well I'm going to be so yeah" I said a little shaky "so what's wrong with him?" I asked the doc "well Niall haves a broken arm and he's In a coma and I don't know when he will wake and you guys can all go in the room just keep it down" we all nodded our heads and walked into the room to find a sleeping Niall.

I walked over and saw his broken arm and his peaceful body laying on the hospital bed. I sat right beside him and started to cry again "I'm so sorry Niall" I said holding Niall's good hand.

"Niall please don't leave me, I don't know what I would do with out you, you are my everything, I love you so much please wake up please" I said and then I fell asleep next to his bed.


Oh no poor Niall lets see what will happen in the next chapter.

I will be making a sequel soon the next story is going to be about Bella and her best friend I will let you guys know when it will happen.




Thanks guys ;)

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