At the Hotel

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When we got to our hotel room it was huge, there are 5 bedrooms for all of them "okay so this is how it's gonna work" Liam starts to speak we will start right down our names and put them in a hat and draw to see who can pick the room first" we all agreed to it.

"But there's a problem" I said and they all looked at me "what?" Liam asked confused "we don't have a hat" they all groaned "okay well now what?" we were all thinking until Louis haves a idea " I got it, lets do rock, paper, and scissor" we all agreed to that.

I put Bella and I were watching Niall play rock paper and scissors.

"YES I WON!" Niall shouted so Bella Niall and I ran up the stares to choose our rooms first. we went to a room that haves a big queen size bed so I sat Bella down and started to un pack.

I looked at Bella and she looked tired and made a big yawn "I'm gonna put Bella down for a nap" I said to Niall "okay love, oh and we're are we gonna put her later because we don't have another bed for her?" he haves a point we have no where to put her.

"How about we go to Walmart and get a toddlers bed?" he nods his head "okay sounds good, I'm gonna head down stares call me if you need me" he says and kissed me on the forehead and walked down stares.

"Mommy can you lay with me until I full asleep?" awe she called me mommy I walked over to her and laid down.

"Thank you for letting me live with you" she says. Bella passed out like a light. I kissed her forehead and quietly left the room to head down stares.

I was at the bottom of the stares and nobody was here. "Hmmm where is everyone" I asked myself. I walked into the kitchen and saw Niall eating a bag of chips " hey babe where is everyone?" I asked Niall "oh they went to take a nap" I nodded my head as agreement.

"So what do you wanna do?" Niall asked me "lets go watch a movie" I said to Niall "okay I will make the popcorn and you go pick the movie" he says to me "okay sounds like a plan!"

I was looking through Netflix and found a movie that catches my eyes. It was Insidious 2 the scary movie that I've never liked. before I could change it Niall clicked play so now I'm stuck watching Insidious 2 'GREAT!'

I was cuddling Niall because I was so scared of the movie, even Niall screamed a couple of times hahaha.

When the movie finally finished all you heard was Niall he screamed and there was popcorn everywhere. I turned around to see who it was that scared him it was Zayn. "hahaha good job zayn" I said and high fives him.

"Haha thank you" zayn said back. I heard a crying coming from upstairs "I will be right back Bella is up" i said and got up to my room to see Bella up.

"Hey pumpkin did you wanna come down and get something to eat?" I asked her in my little kid voice "yes please" she asked I love her Bella is so adorable.

I carry her down stares and brought her into the kitchen and saw Harry making some pancakes "hi uncle Harry" Bella said to Harry "hello love did you want a pancake?" Harry asked Bella "OH YES PLEASE!" she says and claps her hands, we both laughed I sat Bella down on a chair at the table.

"Here is your pancake" Harry said with a smile "tank you uncle harry" she says and starts to dig into her food.

Niall came into the kitchen and sat down at the table "so how are my two beautiful girls doing?" Niall asked Bella and I "good" we both said "Mmmm can I have some of your pancake" Niall asked while his hand is moving towards the plat but Bella stopped him "no daddy this is my food!" she said with her nose crunched up we all laughed at her cuteness.

So after we finished eating we all headed to Walmart and get Bella a bed "okay let's go get a toddlers bed" I said to Niall. the other four are at home watching Bella.

"Um I was thinking that you and I should go on a date soon what do you say?" I looked at him "yes I will love to go on a date" me and Niall haven't gone in a date in along time I can't wait.

After we got the bed we went back to the hotel and I got the boys to put the bed together and let me just say they aren't doing it right it's so funny.

"Do you guys need help?" I asked them all "no thanks" they all said at once. about an hour they were finally done I clapped for them as a joke and they all stuck the middle finger at me I just laughed at them. "I'm gonna make dinner you guys do whatever and I will call you when it's done" I said to them and headed to the kitchen.

I made them chilli and potatoes I didn't make the chilli spicy because of Bella. I called all of the guys down for dinner I let Harry, zayn, Louis, Liam, Bella, and me go first because we all know how Niall is.

Once we finished our dinner we went to the living room and watched a movie and no it's not toy story we told Liam no more toy story, we are watching lions king and Bella loved it.

It was 8:00PM and that means its time for Louis bed time hahaha just kidding its Bella's bed time. "Bella it's time for bed" I said to her she ran up to everyone and gave them a goodnight hug and kiss. "wait I will come with you" Niall said and with that we walked up stares to put Bella to bed.

In the morning Niall wants to take me out somewhere because he needs to do something.

So I got into the shower to get cleaned off. after my shower I went to my closet to get a pink dress with a blue rosé around my waits, when I was done putting my dress on I went to dry my hair then curled my hair, then I just put on some lip gloss, then got my black flats.

I walked down stares and saw Niall waiting for me at the door " so what do you think?" I asked Niall when he saw me he was speechless "you look beautiful" he says to me while kissing my lips "thank you and you are very pretty as well" I said with a wink he just giggles "well I try my best" he says with one hand on his heart and the other hand up in the hair I laughed at him and with that we left for our date.

When we got to the restaurant we asked for a booth for two "so what would you guys like" the waitress asked us "umm can I have the chicken white meat with fries with a root beer please" I asked the waitress "okay and what about you?" She asked Niall "may I please have the pasta with ice tea please?" she nods her head and walks off.

After our dinner Niall got up and shouted "hello everyone I have announcement to make. I wonder what it is...


Hey guys sorry that I haven't been writing in a while but I will a lot more.

I hope you like this chapter .




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