She's Playing Piano (ALPHYNE FLUFF OKAY)

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Sans: *on the walkie talkie with Bethany* She's playing. Is Alphys on her way?

Bethany: Yeah. Okay, so we just need Alphys to walk inside and see Undyne playing.

Sans: Yeah. Alright. Let's do this.

*Sans pushes Alphys inside Undyne's house without Undyne's notice.  Instead of freaking out, she sits down at the table and begins to listen*


*Undyne turns around to see a star struck Alphys*

Undyne: *blushing* WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE

Alphys: *Face completely red* I got pushed inside your house by Sans... But I heard your music and I just didn't want to stop listening.

Undyne: *Face reddens more* R-Really? You liked it?

Alphys: Y-Yeah...

*Undyne gets up and grabs a cup of water, placing it on the piano. She begins to play again*

*Alphys listens, swaying to the music*

*Outside, Bethany and Sans high-five*

[Theory time! Because it plays before Papyrus knocks on the door, She's Playing Piano is actually Undyne playing piano, and it may be because she wants to impress Alphys. SO YEAH I HAD TO DO THIS.]

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