Sam: Baby Blue Cars

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6 weeks later
I attempt to talk over the laughter and chatter of children.
"What do you guys wanna do first?" I ask Jess, Cas and Dean. Jess puts her sunglasses on and looks around.
"I still have to buy tickets," Dean says pointing towards the booth. I scoff.
"Yeah you guys could've bought them a while ago but y'all were too busy making out behind the Ferris wheel!" I say. Everyone chuckles and Dean pulls Cas along to the ticket booth.
"So, babe what do you want to do first?" I ask Jess as I wrap my arms around her. She looks up at me and rests her chin in my chest.
"Avalanche?" She offers.
"Sure babe," I say kissing her head. Dean and Cas stride over with handfuls of tickets.
"Ok where to?" Cas asks.
"Avalanche," I say. Dean smirks at Cas.
"You ready?" He asks him.
"Sure. Don't know what it is but I can try it," he says obliviously. We all laugh and go over to the ride. We wait in a short line and then strap ourselves in. Cas is beside me and Dean on the other side of him. Jess holds my hand on the other side of me.
"Here we go," I say to Cas. He looks at me with the slightest bit of fear. As the ride starts Cas tightens up but then loosens as the ride starts off slow.
"Oh wow this is not bad at all. This is what you people call fun?" Cas remarks. As soon as the ride picks up speed and I feel the drop in my stomach, Cas is screaming like a baby. I smile and look over at my terrified friend. Jess and Dean are laughing their asses off and Cas is screaming in fear. We all laugh at him as the ride slows down and Cas quiets his screams. He starts to pant and his chest heaves quickly as if he is hyperventilating. Dean wraps himself around his arm and rests his cheek on Cas' shoulder.
"Shhh it's ok, it's over!" He soothes, yet trying to hide a smile. Cas looks over at me, eyes wide.
"Well that wasn't fun at all."
Once we get off we decide to go eat. Cas and Dean share a popcorn and cotton candy. I nibble on a candy apple and Jess eats a cronut.
"I want a churro too," Cas says with a mouthful of food. Jess giggles and orders one up.
We wait in line for the Ferris wheel. Dean and Cas are behind us. Dean buds in front of a couple in front to whisper something in the operator's ear. The operator smiles and says something back. I shift on my feet as Dean points to me subtly. I smile at the operator and he waves, making sure Jess doesn't notice the communication. They speak for a couple minutes more and then Dean walks back. I distract Jess by asking her, "what has been your favourite ride so far?"
"Definitely the tea cups."
"Seriously?" I say.
"Yeah they're so cute and romantic," she says dreamily.
"Do you think I'm romantic?" I ask her jokingly.
"Hell yeah. If ya weren't I don't know what I'd do," she jokes. I scoff and move up as the next couple goes on. My stomach lurches as we are gestured to step up. I hand the operator two tickets and pass Jess' tickets up to him as well. He winks at me and smiles. I smile back and raise my eyebrows. We step onto car #14. It's a baby blue car.
"Jess it's your favourite colour!" I say loud enough for the operator to hear to give him subtle props.
"Oh yeah!" She says, jumping up and down. I take her hand and we step on. She sits opposite to me. As the car shifts away I look at Dean as he gives me a thumbs up. Jess giggles as we stop abruptly for Dean and Cas to hop on the car behind us. Cas waves enthusiastically and I wave back laughing. The car moves up and up as we go around the wheel. Jess throws her head back in giddy laughter as we climb higher and higher. It's the end of the day so the sun had already begun to set. We go around again and up to the top. The Ferris wheel stops at the very top. Jess leans forward and looks at me with wide eyes and a smile from ear to ear. She looks up at the purple and pink sky. The clouds have a luminous lavender tint to them and just beyond I can see a slight orange in the silhouette of the trees. I whip out my camera and snap a candid picture of her laughing with the beautiful skyline behind her. I palace it on the seat.
"Jess. I know we have a hard life. I get that. But you are the one. I know you can handle it because you're as badass as me and Dean! I love you more than the world and you're the only one I need to live. So," I say, pulling out a small red velvet box. Jess covers her mouth and closes her eyes. She freezes and tears slip down her cheeks as she opens her glazy eyes. Her hair blows back in perfect tendrils. I kneel down and the car shifts just slightly. She starts to sob as I open the box.
"It's not much love, I know, but I also know I'm enough. So will you marry me?"
"Yes," she says between sobs. She rushes over to embrace me. Her arms grip me tightly as she sobs on my shoulder. "Yes," she whispers into my ear.
"I love you," I whisper back.

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