Dean: Toddler Talk

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Cas grips my sleeve so tightly his knuckles transform to a pasty white. He is in front of me and pulls me along like a mad toddler. The hot air hits me like an oven as we walk out of he roadhouse. Once we are a good 50 ft from the roadhouse  and on the edge of the forest Cas turns suddenly and grabs my shirt in his fists. He clasps tightly and looks me dead in the eyes. Yep, he's angry.
"Who's that girl?" He asks quickly. I try to pull back but fail.
"Uh—girl? Oh, um yeah that's— that's Jo. What are you on about? Jeez man you can stop gripping me like the fucking hulk."
Cas does not let go. He just tightens his grip and yanks me closer.
"Come on man! Ouch—that hurts!" I yell. Cas glares at me and presses his lips together in a frown. He softens his grip the tiniest bit, but still holds me close, and not in the cuddly kind of way.
" Did you have something with her? Considering how long I've been studying the human being species I can see when people love each other and when someone has something to hide. You do realize that I'm an angel of the lord still somehow and I have my "mojo" as you call it whatever that means but I have ways of knowing these things and I like to think I'm—"
"Cas! You need to calm down," I say and hesitate, "yes we did have a fling but nothing serious man." Cas frowns. "Well, I feel awkward. I don't want to be around the girl my boyfriend dated. I'm already awkward as it is I don't need something else to make me self destruct into awkwardness. You know I would just—" I step forward and kiss him. He's surprised at first but softens his grip on my shirt and leans in to the embrace. He kisses back and I pull away.
"Cas I love you. Not Jo. Not Lisa. Not the one from Casa Erotica either," I look up in thought. "Oh there was also that one...what was her name? Hannah, um... No, Cassandra... Anyways, I love you. And I'm sad to think that it took me this long to love you." I smile and look at his dorky awkward face. It's softened yet I still can't read it. I drift closer and reach to run my fingers through his hair. All of the sudden he jerks away and starts walking off. He stomps in anger.
"Cas! Castiel! What the hell man!? Where the fuck are you going?" I start towards him. He doesn't look behind him even though I know he wants to. His trench coat billows back furiously in the wind he's creating to throw a tantrum and storm away. He looks behind him to yell.
"I'm going away! Away from you!" I roll my eyes.
"I was just having a sentimental moment and you just walk away?! You have to stop being so goddamn sensitive! What is your problem? What did I say?!" He turns around suddenly. "Well I am certainly worried about all those women you just mentioned! How many women did you sleep with you—you—..." He glances down in thought for a moment.
"You man whore! You're a man whore! How could I ever fall for a man whore?! Who is not even whorey with men?!"
He looks down again and furrows his brow. "Well you are bisexual..." He mumbles, "but that is no excuse! How do you not have GENITAL HERPES!"
He screams the last part and turns and walks away in a flurry of toddler rage, even though he is in fact a full grown man—angel. I sigh in exasperation and scream back, "You are so immature you know that?! So what; the past is the past you have to understand I'm not that guy anymore," I tell as I speed walk after him. I gesture wildly and continue. "You are so childish! You can't get offended at things I did when I was younger and before I fell in love with you! I'm in love with you Cas!" I point at him. He whips around and screams, "DONT GIVE ME THAT CRAP! That's absolute crap! Don't give me that sappy 'I love you' speech and even though I'm sensitive I have a right to be worried that you can easily sleep with anyone else at any moment!"
" Oh yeah I could totally be sleeping with Jo right this second," I say sarcastically. "Grow up Cas!" He turns around and sticks up his pointer finger. Not his middle finger. His index finger. I try to conceal a smile. Even when I'm angry at him I just can't help falling in love with him all over again. I pretend to be angry.
"That's not your middle finger dumbass! And you know what else?! WHOREY IS NOT WORD!!!!!" He turns around for the last time and stalks off. "Don't get lost," I mumble.

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