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*lukes pov*

I was snuggled into michael's chest while he played video games when someone knocked on the door. michael didn't move, so I rolled my eyes and got up to see who it was.

I looked out the peephole to see.. my mum? oh no, no no no.

"who is it?" michael asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"um, my mum? who I, uh, haven't come out to yet?" michael's head snapped to look at me, his facial expression turning from bored to worried.

"get into your bed - now!" I said, making him jump out of the blankets and onto his bed, wearing one of my shirts. I figured it wouldn't be noticeable.

I rushed to the door and opened it, my mom smiling brightly at me before engulfing me in her arms.

"oh lukey! I've missed you so much!" she said, making michael snort from his spot in his bed. "and who is this?"

"this is my bo- roommate, michael," I stuttered, feeling my face flush. he flashed my mum a smile which she returned.

"nice to meet you, michael," she said before turning back to me. "I was wondering if I could take you out to lunch since I haven't seen you for a while?"

"oh, yeah okay! just let me get ready, I'll be a few minutes, and I'll meet you in the lobby," I responded, smiling nervously before she nodded and left.

as soon as the door shut michael bursted out laughing. "aw! little mama's boy lukey!" he exclaimed between laughs.

"shut up michael! jesus christ," I muttered, searching my tshirts for something reasonable.

"are you gonna tell her we're like, very homosexual towards each other?" michael asked, barely keeping a straight face.

"I don't know," I mumbled, pulling my shirt over my head. "if it comes out, I-"

"comes out!" michael laughed again, making me roll my eyes as I put on a plain dark blue shirt.

"I'm gonna go," I told him as he finished his laughter. I kissed him on the forehead and he gave me a genuine smile before I left.


"so," my mum said, moving her salad around with her fork, "is there any special girl yet?"

"uh, no not yet," I replied quietly, pushing a piece of the complimentary bread around my plate. I couldn't work up the confidence to tell her.

"oh, well you should get out there soon. you know your brother jack has a girlfriend now," she said before putting a big piece of lettuce in her mouth.

I nodded, still looking down at my plate. my stomach felt queasy and my head was spinning. "I have to go to the bathroom," I announced, leaving the table quickly.

as soon as I was in the small room and locked the door, I pulled out my phone and called michael.

"'ello," he said, clicking noises in the background.

"michael, I can't do this."

the clicking stopped. "w-what can't you do?"

"I can't tell my mom, I don't know how." a sigh of relief came out on the other end of the call.

"if you end up saying it, it happens. but it'll feel a lot better when you do. I promise." I smiled at michael's reassuring voice.

"thanks babe."

"love you," he said before I hung up, looking in the dirty mirror and smoothing out my shirt.

my mum gave me a questioning smile as I approached the table. I sat down and began pushing my bread around again.

"alright, luke. what is it? do you have an std? have you been smoking pot? did you g-"

"I'm gay," I let out, my voice cracking. my mum's mouth shut.

"well, duh luke," she replied with a laugh.

I looked up and cocked my head to the side. "w-what do you mean?"

"you think I didn't know? I raised you! plus you weren't so good at clearing the computer browsing history." I bit my lip as my face turned pink. "michael's your boyfriend too, isn't he?"

I nodded, making her smile grow. "well aren't you two the cutest! you should've invited him out with us!"

I shrugged, and we finished up lunch with no tension.


"so how'd it go!" michael yelled when I came back to the dorm.

"it went fine. she knew anyways, and I-" I was cut off by michael grabbing me by my shirt and pressing our lips together.

I kissed him back before we pulled away, and he leaned forward and whispered against my neck, "you look really hot in blue." I bit my lip before kissing him again, laying down on his bed and making out for a while longer before cuddling up, just enjoying each other's presence.


so sorry I've been so so bad with updating! I'll try to get more chapters out :)


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