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*lukes pov*

"hey luke?" michael yelled from his bed, causing me to rip my earbuds out and turn to him. "would you want to go to a party? with ash, cal and i?"

i bit my lip anxiously, my mind screaming no since i knew college parties consisted of booze, drugs, and sex.

"um, no thanks? you can go," i replied, making a sad look flash across his face, his eyes losing a bit of shine before he smiled again.

"okay, thought id ask." he turned back to his schoolwork, letting me know he was done so i could listen to my music again


"bye lukey," michael mumbled, lightly kissing my forehead before walking out of the dorm room to go to the party with calum and ashton. even though i know hes a grown man, im still worried about him. ive heard about college parties from some older friends i had in high school. i just dont want michael to come back as a completely different person.

i decided i would work on some school work i had for classes to take my mind off michael, because who knows what he could be doing right now. i turned up a random album i had saved, which happened to be dookie by green day, and hummed along to the songs i knew by heart. no matter how many notes i read over or how much music i listened to, michael wouldnt leave my thoughts, and it was honestly starting to bug me.

eventually, another album started playing and i sighed. id been staring at the ceiling for what seems like an eternity now. michael never told me when he would be home, and i had no other friends to call over except ashton and calum, who were at the party too. i decided id play on michaels xbox, because im sure he wouldnt mind.

i laid down on michaels bed and turned on the tv and console, searching for a game before eventually just choosing a random one. i learned how to play it pretty quickly and my fingers flew on the controller, still humming the music coming from my laptop speakers.

a few minutes later, i heard my phone go off, making me jump and scramble off michaels bed to grab it. it was a message from ashton: just a photo with no text attached. i frowned and unlocked my phone to take a close look to the photo.

turns out, it was multiple photos. i slid through them, seeing one of michael taking a vodka shot, one of calum and ashton giving each other shots, and on the last one, my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces.

it was of michael, dancing with a girl. and they were close, real close, to each other. i bit down on my lip harshly, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. why was michael dancing with a girl?

had he forgotten about me in his obvious drunken state?

i mentally told myself that hadnt happened, because you dont forget about people youre in love with from a couple of drinks.

but what if he isnt really in love with me? before i knew it, multiple tears had made their way down my face, the salty drops landing on my dry, cracked lips.

all i want is for michael to come back, drunk or not, in love or not, so i could at least have a sliver of hope he had real feelings for me.

time started flying by and before i knew it, it was almost 1:00 am. my eyes havent left the ceiling since ashton sent the photos, and the only sound in the room was my music and the theme playing on the video game home screen, which i still hadnt shut off.

where is michael? i didnt know parties lasted this long. what if hes hooking up with someone? what if he tried driving a car and crashed? what if he got lost on his way back?

a loud thump on the door pulled me from my thoughts. "please be michael," i whispered, hoping it wasnt someone that just ran into the door or something.

i opened the door to find michael, who had a huge grin on his face and was slightly wobbly from all the drinks he had. "oh hey, luke!"

i cringed at his slurred speech and helped him inside, closing the door behind us. "gosh michael, youre heavy."

he giggled and stood up to kiss me, the horrible taste and smell of alcohol filling my senses. i pushed him off gently and he looked at me, confused. "whyd you stop me luke?" he asked, kind of angry.

"because youre drunk, you need to go to sleep." i sighed motioning to his bed.

i saw his hand raise in a fast motion and i flinched, memories of my father flashing through my mind. i leaned back a bit and he moved some hair out of his face. michael looked at me in my scared position, and i think he realized what had happened.

"luke, did you really think-"

"please, michael," by this time i hadnt noticed i was full-on sobbing, "just go to bed."

"i wasnt-"

"god dammit michael!" i yelled, covering my mouth quickly as i watched him stumble over to his bed, landing face-first into the pillow. i chewed on the raw spot on my lip, wincing at the feeling, but it was less painful then the events that just happened.

i stalked over to my bed, laying down and putting my face into the pillow to muffle my sobs.



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