30. Best friends for never

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After a crazy weekend things were back to normal, well as normal as they could possibly get. My dreamy night with Logan was short lived as soon as I got home. When my parents saw the bruise on my forehead to say they went ape shit crazy would be a huge understatement. My father was up in arms about how I got the bruise and my mother busied herself with fixing me up. After everything calmed down I sat them down and came clean about everything, I told them about what really happened between Chloe and I, I told them about Lulu, how I got attacked on the first day of school as well as the dance.

My mom wasted no time calling the school to set up a meeting with the Principal. She set an appointment to meet up with Lulu’s parents at school. It turned out Mr. Chamberlain, the schools principal had been meaning to talk to my parents so this would be the perfect opportunity for them to discuss me which made me really nervous. Mom was scheduled for noon today. While I was glad to get things resolved I had a feeling it would only get uglier.

So Monday morning after my mother dropped me off at school promising to see me later I met up with Quinn up at the courtyard to discuss this weekend’s events since we didn’t get the time to talk with all the craziness going on.

“You did what!?” I asked Quinn again. I was only asking again because what she told me the first time was so shocking it left me completely stunned.

She smiled, more than happy to re-tell the story all over again.

“Like, as soon I exited the room all four of them were coming in but there was no way in hell I was going to let them just walk by me like that so I attacked Deanna first ‘cuz the bitch was coming at me writhing with anger like she had a personal vendetta against me or something so I clocked the bitch right in her face, bam.” She scrunched her face up in anger and the vein in her neck looked ready to pop, it was as if she was reliving the fight all over again. “Deanna stumbled backwards than Chloe and Katy went to help her so I wasted no time going after Lulu, I barreled into the bitch and we both hit the floor. I was struggling a little bit ‘cause she was holding on to my hair but I fucking bit her hand and as soon as she let go I got on top of her and was just, like, smacking the shit out of her.”

“Oh my God,” I gasped. I was just as shocked hearing it the second time around.”

“I was seriously going to kill the girl, Spencer but then Kemper came and pulled me off, that bastard.” She said angrily. “But it was totally worth it, I only got three days of Saturday detention.”

“Quinn, I don’t…” tears pooled in my eyes, I was actually speechless. I couldn’t believe she had done all that because of me and she was the one paying the consequences. I felt like absolute crap now.

“Spence, don’t cry.” She wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

“I’m sorry,” I sniffled. “I’m just shocked you did that and you got detention because of me.”

“Don’t worry about it, Spence.” She patted my shoulder a few times. “I wanted to do it and I’m not mad at all that I have detention, I’m just glad I’m not suspended or expelled, my mom would kill me.”

“You’re such a great friend, Quinn.”

“Aww thanks, Spence.” She smiled then pulled me in for a tight hug. I could feel people staring at us as they walked by but I didn’t care and I was sure Quinn didn’t either. It was a nice long hug filled with warmth and love.

“Wow, I had a dream about this once.” It was Jamie. “Except in my dream, they were kissing.”

Quinn and I quickly pulled away from each other and when we looked up there were Jamie and Logan standing next to us, each one had a wicked grin on their faces.

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