18. Pressure

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“This is it,” Quinn said pulling up in front of Logan’s driveway. “Are you ready?”

Was I ready? I stared at the tall two story house nodding nervously.

I was not ready.

I leaned back on the seat and frowned. Was I really about to enter Logan’s house. At the time when he asked me__ actually proposed that I came over it seemed like an awesome idea, me, alone, with Logan, at his house, why wouldn’t I say yes to that.

Now that I got to thinking about it, I should have said no. After discussing it with Quinn yesterday, she blatantly told me that he only invited me over for sex. She could be right, in that case if she was Logan better prepare to be disappointed because I don’t care how much he asked, begged or cried for it, he would not get it.

I was only here tonight to hang out, in a way this was kind of like a date, our first official date. Since I have yet to tell my parents about Logan, we couldn’t date like a regular couple. I had to lie telling them that Quinn and I were having girls’ night in order for me to be here tonight. Of course being the expert liar that I was now, they brought it with no questions asked. So here I was, scared and shaky, a few inches away from Logan’s house, rethinking my decision.

“How do I look?” I asked Quinn.

“Like you’re ready to be deflowered,” she laughed.

“Seriously, Quinn?” I groaned. When would she let this sex thing go?

I had spent all day getting ready, from curling my hair into tousled waves the way Logan likes; to actually doing my makeup in that natural way so it wouldn’t look like I was trying too hard. I wore dark blue jeans and a pink sheer blouse.

“You look good,” she said, finally. “Very pretty.” She added.

“Thanks.” I ran my hands over my shirt, smoothing it in place.

“Go on now, Spencer.” She gestured for me to get out of her car.

“Don’t shoo me away, Quinn.” I said, defensively.

“I’m not shooing you away but I have an actual date to get to and actual sex to have.”

“Oh, my God.” My face twisted with disgust.

“Are you nervous?” she asked ignoring my facial expression. “Because if you are, it’s totally normal. This is your first time going to his house, it’s like, stepping into uncharted territory. You don’t know what to expect but once you’re go in there it’ll all be okay.”

“You’re right.” I said, unstrapping my seatbelt getting out of the car.

“Of course I’m right, I’m always right.” She patted herself on the back. “Now go on Dystopian Girl.”

I pinched her arm and she yelped closing the passenger door. Why in the hell would she say that to me as I was about to go to Logan’s house. I didn’t need that reminder. I hadn’t thought about Nathan since I left the mall. He flirted with me while I was trying to have a totally normal conversation with him about books. I felt things during the conversation but it all went away after he left. I had someone so I didn’t need to think about somebody else, especially someone I was never going to see again.

“Bye, Dystopian Girl,” Quinn said laughing as she wheeled off.

She could be such a bitch sometimes.


I walked silently towards the house, my heart thumping with each step I took. When I reached the door I rang the bell once but Logan didn’t answer right away so I rang it once more. When he finally answered the door he didn’t wait for the exchanged of greetings, he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.

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