Chapter 5: The Dark Side Of Fairy Tales

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Walking across a path deeper into the Unholy Forest, Diana told Noah more about the forest and how spirits lived there.

"There are spirits came from people who died in the forest," Diana said. "Not many people died there apparently, we didn't want anyone to die there. That's why Forest Protector makes the road to Unholy so foggy."

Noah saw a group of men with ladies wearing 17th or 18th century fashion clothes.

"Lots of people died there in 17th and 18th centuries, since that was the time of war. But starting from 19th century, the population of people dying there decreased, and no more people died in this century... until you..." Diana trailed away as she looked at Noah's blue eyes, and his eyes made her felt like she was alive again.

"Forest Protector said something about the dark side of fairy tales," said Noah. "Is it true?"

Diana sighed, "I was going to talk about that..."

As she finished her sentence, Noah heard a rumbling sound that made the rocky path shake. It sounded like horses trotting on the rocky ground.

"Here they come," said Diana, taking Noah's hand and squeezed it a bit.

Trotting and stopping in front of them was a black carriage with two skeleton horses carrying it. Noah was scared at the fact that the carriage looked as if it was from hell. He looked closely at the details of the carriage, there were flowers and vines, along with other magnificent decorations. He walked to the horses, they glowed blue magic, the skeletons were pure white. They looked scary but enchanted at the same time. Noah felt relieved.

"Get inside," Diana said as she with Noah walked inside the carriage. When it started to move, Diana began to explain, "Stories you've read when you were young, all stuffs about princesses and magic, they were actually real events."

Noah looked astonished, Diana loved to see him like this. She thought it was cute of him.

Diana's heart beat faster in her chest. Did she really think Noah was cute?

"So," Noah said, "they happened? I mean, very long time ago, right?"

Diana nodded.

"But why did Forest called it 'the dark side of fairy tales'?" asked Noah.

"There were no happy endings in the real stories," Diana said sadly. "All tragic ones, no happily ever after... Then people remade those into fairy tales with happy things come true. Unholy Forest is where all the souls from fairy tales lived and trapped inside forever. We all wanted freedom... But we don't know how..."

The carriage went pass a place where all spirits and souls gathered together, all dressed nicely. But they all looked so moody, Noah thought so with simpathy. He knew that being trapped for two centuries was very sad.

Noah thought of a new question, "Why are they gathering?"

Diana continued the story, "Forest said there was a prophecy for freedom, for a happy ending for all of us, finally. She said a princess will fall in love with a person who was called special... It never happen." Diana looked outside with sad face. She looked as moody as the souls outside.

"Does this happen every time?" Noah pointed outside with a questioning look.

"Maybe it's a special event... Oh!" Diana quickly snapped her finger as if she remembered something. "It was the time Allie awake!"

"Allie... Sleeping Beauty?"

"Yeah, Sleeping Beauty! Poor her, cursed when she was an infant, and no true love kiss broke it. She died while sleeping."

The time of Sleeping Beauty awoke annually was Noah's birthday! He'd never thought his birthday was so special.

The carriage stopped near an antique but beautiful casket with the lit made of glass. Surrounding the casket were precious gems scattered on the grassy ground in a circle. Inside the casket was a young princess glowing blue lights - technically, all spirits glow blue lights. She wore a long silky dress with a gold tiara on her wavy hair. She was in coincious. Noah could predict that her name was Allie, the Sleeping Beauty.

The gems suddenly glowed. All the spirits and souls flew near the casket to see the annual event. Diana took Noah outside, they went through the crowd and they were in the front row.

The gems glowed again, this time they were much brighter. Everyone was excited and holding their breath. Noah could feel Allie twitching, trying to wake up from the coma. It was a nightmare when you face a coma, Noah knew so.

Allie's eyelids moved, then her eyes bursted open. Five spirits - looking like tiny blue fires - flew to the casket and opened it. Allie sat up, she took a deep breath and leaped herself out of it. She slowly walked on the grass with her barefeet as if she'd never experienced this before. Noah felt sympathetic of Allie, she only woke up once a year.

Allie ran to Diana and hugged her, which made Noah very confused.

"Diana! I'm so glad to see you!" Allie hugged her. Noah thought that maybe they were friends.

"Me too," Diana smiled at Allie. "How's your sleep?"

Allie's smile immediately faded away, "I had nightmares..."

"What? I thought you had fun last year..." said a spirit behind Noah. She was a woman servant in the 17th century.

Allie sighed, "Phil and I broke up right when I was preparing myself to sleep! I can't believe it! He dumped me."

"What a jerk," said Noah. Allie turned to him. He added, "I'm Noah by the way, I'm new."

"I'm Allie, the Sleeping Beauty," she curtsied.

"You dreamed about your ex?"

"Yes. Total nightmare. I hope there won't be any drama this year."

"Don't worry," said Diana. "It'll be your best day ever."

"Thanks. You're a good friend, I'm glad I have you by my side," Allie hugged Diana again.

"I want to take Noah on tour," said Diana. "Do you want to come?"

"I'd love to, but I want to talk to the spirits," said Allie, looking at the crowds. "Sorry though."

"It's okay," Diana smiled, then turned to Noah. "Let's get to my palace."

They got inside their carriage. Noah waved goodbye at Allie and looked at the view of Unholy Forest behind him. The spirits looked so bright and happy.

"I've never seen the forest so alive since you arrived," Diana murmured.

"I didn't do anything," said Noah.

"You did something..." Diana said. Noah was confused, but he ignored and enjoyed the view. He could see the castle faraway.

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