Chapter 14: Frozen Heart

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Noah had met a lot of people in the room, from princesses and princes to children and some villagers.

After having a small talk with Allie and Snowy, mostly about whether Snowy should wear red or blue ribbon, Noah and Diana talked to Rapunzel and her friend, Ginnifer. Ginnifer was The Little Mermaid. Her backstory was exactly like Anderson's story, since he and Ginnifer were very close. She was mute, since she had traded her tongue for feet, and she was more like a foam than a person. She waved at Noah, Noah shyly waved back, then curiously touched her foam, which made her tickle.

Next, they met the group of kids talking and playing hide-and-seek, along with teasing Ward. The boy with dirty face was the boy who cried the wolf. He didn't have a name, so he was just called "The Wolf Boy" for short. Like the fable, he did cry for the wolf and get killed. But the difference was that he had a crush of a girl. Gretel, as in Hansel and Gretel. Their fable were true, they did have happy endings, but they both died  young in the forest. Gretel was a pretty little girl. She was younger than Wolf Boy a little. Wolf Boy was interested in her and vice versa, but Hansel was a bit serious. He was afraid that his sister would be betrayed, since Wolf Boy was infamous for lying. Noah never knew that nine-year-old kids could take romance that serious.

The two other kids were Gerda and Kay, the children from "The Snow Queen". Instead of hanging out with the kids, they just sat in front of a big fireplace. Noah heard that they lived in a city cursed by The Snow Queen. The city was frozen for eternity, so the kids had never gotten very warm. Just like in the story, they were best friends. One day, Kay got splinters of the evil-troll's mirror on his eyes and his heart, he turned aggressive and was kidnapped by the Queen. Gerda tried to find him and as she did, she kissed him and he turned back to normal, no longer had "frozen heart". There was a twist: the part that they had to spell "eternity" didn't exist. Instead, the Queen forced them into prisoners and they died in the icy palace. But then, because their love was strong, as they died together, the palace melted and washed The Snow Queen into a cliff.

So The Snow Queen and the kids were unanimously sent to Unholy Forest, and the kids had escaped from her catch. But Noah was worried about The Queen being in the forest. Would she be after him and killed everyone in the castle?

Diana poked Noah's shoulder and said, "Hey, cheer up! It's your birthday!"

Noah smiled and shook his thought. He quickly kissed her and said, "Sorry, I've just lost in thoughts." He turned to the group of kids again, Wolf Boy was trying to flirt Gretel. Hansel was at the corner, staring at Wolf Boy as if he was trying to bore a hole on his forehead with his stare. Gerda and Kay were still sitting near the fireplace.

Diana then introduced to Noah about Cinderella. She had blonde hair bundled into a tight bun, with a tiara on her head. She was humorous, and she also had pretty good jokes. The princesses, Noah, and some servants laughed til they couldn't breathe.

Despite her optimism, Cinderella had dark backstory. She had a stepmom and two stepsisters. She was abused and she was more like a servant than a daughter in the eyes of her stepmom. But she always stayed positive and hard-working. She had a willow tree that was next to her mother's grave, and the tree was magical. Those were just like the fairy tale. But the difference was: after having a dress and a glass slipper, she went to the ball and met the Prince. But when she came back, the willow tree was cut down. She cried in misery and she cried so much that she died beneath the stump.

Noah then met Tina, a little woman with dark skin and brunette hair. She was the princess from "The Princess And The Frog". Just like the story, a prince was cursed by a witch and he turned into a frog. Then, Tine saw him and decided to kiss him, but unfortunately the frog was poisonous so she died.

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