Chapter 17: The Ending

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Noah opened his eyes and found himself in an unfamiliar place. The room was small, the walls were white. He could smell the medicine from anywhere. He found himself on the hospital bed, wires surrounded him. A doctor walked into the room with a clipboard. She had a calm face and curly blonde hair.

"How are you, Mr. Watson?" she asked him.

"What happened?" he asked.

"It seems like you had an accident in the Evergreen Forest. You got knocked down and luckily your friends found you. They were worried that maybe your unconsciousness could be serious. They said you were babbling something, maybe about your loved ones."

Noah saw her name tag on her white blouse: Ms. Williams.

"There are good news and bad news," said Ms. Williams. "The good news is: there is nothing wrong with your brain. You are healthy and you don't have coma. The bad news is: somehow, your legs are paralyzed. You won't be able to walk anymore, you will use a wheelchair. We quite not sure why but we guessed it was because of your falling impact or the aftermath of your accident. You could leave the hospital now. Filled in the information." She gave Noah a pen and a piece of paper.


Noah was dressed normally, he was on a wheelchair, Jack was helping him push it.

"Sorry bud for... being a bad friend," said Jack.

Noah glanced at him, "It's okay."

"So... If you can't walk anymore, does that mean that you can't have any adventures?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I'll still go, no matter what. Well apparently, it would be slightly difficult but you, Jack, you can be my assistant for pushing me."

"No thanks! You do it by yourself," Jack released the handle of the wheelchair and left. Noah sighed, rolled his eyes while chuckling sarcastically, and rolled across the corridor by himself. He found his daughter, Carrie, was talking to a stranger. She was a woman with jet black hair and brown sparkling eyes. When Carrie told a joke, the woman laughed. It reminded him of Diana, her laugh, her smile, and her look was exactly like her. The woman was Diana's doppelganger.

Noah steered to the two girls. Carrie saw him, she ran to him and hugged him tight, "Daddy! I missed you!"

"Aw, I missed you too, cutie pie," Noah lightly pinched her cheek.

"I was going to give you this..." Carrie gave Noah a drawing. It was him with Carrie and  big purple words "GET WELL SOON".

"It's beautiful, Carrie," Noah smiled.

"Daddy, meet my friend!" Carrie took Noah to the woman.

"Um, hi, I'm Dr. Jackson," she awkwardly said. Her voice was kind of like Diana's.

"I'm Noah, nice to meet you..." Noah shook her hands awkwardly. Then they awkwardly looked at each other.

"So... is that your daughter?"

"Yeah, my adopted daughter."

"Oh, that makes more sense!"


"So... do you want to go out?" asked Noah.

"Like... a date?"

"Maybe? To get to know each other."

"Okay, but why me?"

"Don't get me wrong and don't think I'm a gangster but... you look intrigue to me."

"Oh... thanks. And I don't think you're a gangster..."

"Thank God! Um... tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow night?"

"Sure! 7 o'clock at Central Park?"

"Sounds brilliant! See ya..."

"Bye..." The woman walked away. Carrie stared at Noah and smiled. She had wished to have a mom, and it would come true!

"Not so fast, pie," Noah chuckled as the father and the daughter walked out of the hospital. Noah looked at the dark blue sky. He closed his eyes and thought of Diana.

"I love you," he murmured.

"I love you, too," he heard her say.


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