Chapter 9- Tuesday

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Amber's P.O.V.-

Tuesday Lucca kicked us all out of the kitchen, said he was to busy preparing for our dinner the next day, for us to keep interrupting him. Ethan and Nick took off shortly after that in Nick's truck. So that left Amber to spend the day with Micca.

They spent the day watching movies, and him teaching her how to play on their PlayStation. She really didn't want to play it but Micca wouldn't stop bugging her about it.

She had wanted to put away all the art supplies that she had gotten the yesterday with Nick, but Micca had kept her to busy. As soon as she had come out of her room that morning he had told her she was spending the day with him. He hadn't let her out of his sight since.

After watching 4 of the Fast and Furious series, she told him she couldn't take it anymore. She wasn't used to sitting and watching TV. She has never had the time to just be lazy. Even when the guys would sit down and watch a movie or play their games, she would have a sketch pad in her hand.

She hated not having the pad in her hand, but Micca wouldn't let her get it. He said that she would zone out and not even watch the show at all.

After dieing in the first five rounds of zombies she finally started getting the hang of the game and had made it another three rounds without Micca having to revive her. She was so caught up in the game with Micca that she didn't notice when Lucca put some sandwiches and drinks on the coffee table at lunch time.

She was having so much fun playing the game with Micca that she didn't notice three hours later when Nick and Ethan came back home. She didn't notice them bring in shelves, she didn't notice the sound of the hammering going on in the background, and not once did she notice that everyone of the guy stopped and just starred at her when she let one of her very rare laughs loose.

The first time it happened, Micca had gotten himself killed and she had to revive him. He almost died again because he wasn't paying attention to the game.

The second time it happened, Lucca had been standing in the kitchen door watching the game and Micca had said something to Amber, she looked over at Micca and laughed.

The next time it happened Nick almost dropped his end of the shelf that he was helping Ethan carry in. Nick didn't know what had made her laugh, but he wished she would do it again.

Ethan just stood frozen starring at her. She was pretty, but when she laughed she was down right beautiful. He finally snapped out of it when Nick pulled on the shelf.

That was the happiest any of them had ever heard her be. It was the first time she had ever truly relaxed in their presents.

She spend several more hours playing the game with Micca, until Lucca called them all for dinner. She didn't say much she just listen to the brothers talking. It was a peaceful dinner for her. She was relaxed in a good mood.

She thought back to the last time she was peaceful. It was before that fateful Thanksgiving in her thirteenth year.

Her mom was standing at there kitchen counter making cookies. She had spread floor over the counter top to roll the sugar cookie dough out on.

“Amber, bring the stool over here so you can sit on it to cut the cookies.”

Amber bounced over to pantry to grab the stole. Bringing it back to the counter she careful sat it down beside her mom. Climbing up on the stole, she smiled up at her mom.

The sunlight was coming through the kitchen window, shining on her mom's blonde hair making it look like her mom had a halo. Her mom was her angel. She loved her more then anything in the world.

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