Chapter 15- Scared

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Lucca's P.O.V.-

He heard his phone ding with a new text message just as they pulled up in front of the art supply store. Getting out of his Explorer he told Amber, “You go a head. I'll be there in a minute.”

He opened his phone and saw he had a new message from Nick. Clicking the button to open the message he read,

Keep Amber away from the house for a few hours -Nick

He quickly typed back

What's going on? -Lucca

He waited a few minutes, leaning against the front of his Explorer before he got a reply.

Ethan is going a little nuts. I need to calm his ass down. I'm afraid if you bring her back right now. He might do something we all will regret. -Nick

What the hell happened?- Lucca

I found him fighting with several guys at Alvin's. Had to pay for the damage. Finally convinced Ethan to come home when I told him Amber was out for the afternoon with you. -Nick

Okay, we have several more places to go. I will try to keep her out as long as I can, but she has to work tonight, so we have to come back at some point so she can put her stuff away and get changed for work. -Lucca

Thanks Lucca, I am getting tired of this shit. I'm going to have a talk with Ethan. He needs to straighten his shit out. -Nick

Alright, I need to go. Amber's waiting for me. Let me know how it goes and when It's safe to come home. -Lucca

Thanks Luc, see you in a little bit. -Nick

Lucca shoved his phone back in his pocket and walked into the store. He was tired of all the shit that has been going on over the last few months. Their house was no longer a happy home and he was getting sick of it. It was getting really hard for him to hold on to his happy mood all the time.  

It took them about an hour to get all the stuff Amber wanted at the art supply store. The back seat of Lucca's Explorer was filled with all of the bags of stuff she bought. Lucca thought she could bought a lot more, but Amber said she was only getting the stuff she knew she needed right now for her classes and for some more work for Evan.

When they had been at Evan's Tattoo Parlor earlier he had introduced Amber to a friend of his. This guy wanted Amber to draw some pictures of his family. It was a surprise anniversary gift for his wife. Amber had given him her e-mail address and the guy was supposed to be sending her the pictures he wanted her to draw sometime today. Amber had bought all the supplies she needed today.

The guy wanted them framed but Amber wasn't good at doing wood work, so Lucca told her to ask Nick for his help. After all he is the one that framed all of the ones that now hung in Evan's shop.

After packing the back seat full, Lucca decided they needed a break. He took her across town to a little coffee shop. Neither one of them really liked coffee but they both like hot chocolate.

“Find a seat, I will get our drinks.” He turned away from her before she had a chance to argue with him. Going up to the counter he order to hot chocolates and two blue-berry muffins. They girl behind the counter tried to flirt with him, but Lucca just gave her a polite smile. Handing over the money he grabbed up their drinks and muffins and walked back to the booth Amber had chosen.

Amber was sitting there just starring out the window. She jumped in her seat a little when Lucca sat down across from her. She tried to smile at him, but Lucca saw through it. He was polite and patient enough not to bring it up.

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