Chapter 8- Meeting Evan's Wife

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Amber's P.O.V.-

The nightmares didn't start until four nights later. The boys had kept her so busy that she didn't have time to stop and think. After waking from her peaceful sleep, she had gotten up and taken a shower. When she went in search of food, Lucca was in the kitchen making a grocery list.

“Hey, did you sleep well?” He asked, as he looked up from the notepad laying in front of him.

She stopped in front of the fridge to think about it for a minute. “Yes,” Grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge, she sat down on the bar stool behind her, before going on. “How did I get to bed? Last I remember was Nick telling me to wait in the truck.”

Lucca chuckled and went back to his list as he explained, “Ethan put you to bed.”

She waited for him to go on but, that was it, he wouldn't say any more. And she wasn't brave enough to ask any more questions. She was afraid if she asked any more questions about last night, she would have to hear answers, and she didn't know if was ready to hear them yet.

Looking down at her water bottle she decided she really needed to change the subject. Just hearing Ethan's name had made her heart rate speed up a little and she could feel her cheeks warm. She didn't want Lucca to notice. But before she could change the subject, Lucca said. “Go put your shoes on, I need you to go to the grocery store with me.”

She frowned, he never took her before, what had changed. She knew someone else was in the house so she wouldn't be left alone, so why was he wanting her to go. It popped out of her mouth before she had a chance to think of what she was going to say, “Why?”

It didn't seem to bother Lucca that she was questioning his decision, he just shrugged and answered her, “I need an extra hand, all the guys are busy, your not, and well I would like to spend some time with you.”

She knew she was blushing by the end of his speech. She couldn't help it. He wanted to spend time with her. She had never spent any one-on-one time with Lucca. Usually if she spends time with the guys, it is as a group. But he also said he needed an extra hand. So she decided she needed to be brave. She couldn't avoid going to some place new today. He needed her help and after everything the guys had done for her, she could do this for him.

She nodded her head as she stood up, “Okay, be right back.”

“Grab your jacket, it's cold out.” Lucca yelled as she ran down her hallway.

The trip to the grocery store had turned out to be fun. She had been so worried about to many people being in the store. She didn't like crowds. The store Lucca took her to was a big chain store that he found was pretty empty on Sunday afternoons. Which now explained to her why he always went on Sundays, because apparently Lucca didn't like crowds when he was shopping.

He didn't leave her side once the whole time at the store. He had handed her the list and told her to check off the items as they got them. At first glance she realized the list was two pages long in his neat, tiny writing. She figured they would be at the store for hours. However Lucca knew where everything was located in the store and they had breezed right through.

She didn't stop to think why they were buying so much food until they were half way home. When the thought popped in her head, it came out of her mouth, “Why so much food Lucca?” She didn't know what was up with her today, she always thought about what she was going to say before she said it. But today with Lucca stuff just kept popping out.

He chuckled and glanced at her, before putting his eyes back on the road, “You do realize Thanksgiving is this week, right?”

“Oh.” She hadn't thought about it. She tried really hard not to think about the holidays. Her nightmare of a past had started on a Thanksgivings day four years before. She was only 13 years old at the time.

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